Example sentences of "which [vb past] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Four of these were members of the networks under observation , but lived in neighbouring townships and so were excluded from the quantitative analysis which concerned itself with the known-unknown ratio in specific townships .
2 Dope was n't , but the drug legal advice service ‘ Release ’ which concerned itself with the increasing number of busts — and junkies — began operating in West London .
3 Skirting the lakeside , she took a route which led her in the opposite direction from him .
4 Typical of microscopic work might be W. C. Williamson 's work on the formation of bones and teeth in the 1850s , which got him into the Royal Society .
5 A longer length of rope was circled around her shoulders and under the table , then over her gorgeous breasts and downwards until her rib cage was completely covered in coiled rope , which fastened her to the hard wooden table .
6 And when , as shadow education spokesman , I was a frontline campaigner in the nineteen eighty seven election , it was the G M B which provided me with the necessary facilities to carry out that role , and I thank them for it .
7 It was an experience which steeled him for the future task of having as many as a dozen major country houses under construction in any one year .
8 If he was thus eligible for that title , there must have been something which qualified him — something which distinguished him from the numerous other leaders , both military and political , who at the time were themselves becoming thorns in the Roman side .
9 The famous trip to Europe , which Lear had constantly referred to in his letters as if it were an experience which united him with the great ornithologist , became the bitter disappointment of a friendship manqué .
10 It was at such times , he said , that he was divested of all those characteristics of family , personality and reputation which identified him to the outside world .
11 Then a conceptual emotion was released in him which transmuted what he saw into theory , a recognition of the cerebral nature of an art which transported him beyond the mere explanation of the visible .
12 And the gap which separated them from the bourgeois world was wide — and unbridgeable .
13 The most widely accepted theory of human evolution — proposed largely by anthropologists , and based on fossil findings — connects the transformation of our early ancestors to some geological changes which trapped them in the eastern side of Africa 's Rift valley , in an environment that was suddenly drier and more open .
14 The wherry shot under London Bridge where the water boiled between the closely built arches , the boatmen dipping their oars so the boats could squeeze by the starlings which protected them against the thick stone arches .
15 The black construct before her split , spun into a thin loop , fleshed into a globe , flipped inside out to reveal a hovering pink mass , which detached itself from the main bulk and drifted some distance away .
16 The exercise helped to dull the urges of his body , which troubled him during the early morning and the day .
17 He developed a distinctive style which owed something to the German illustrator Wilhelm Busch .
18 She still retained her English habit of noting each day 's weather , always expecting changes , marvelling at the hot sunny days which followed one after the other , almost with monotony .
19 For the former the sterling area was good for business ; for the latter , an international financial role for Britain involved direct responsibilities which placed it in the central position in government to which it had become accustomed before 1939 but had lost over the war years .
20 In some ways I feel her peculiar dilemma parallels my own for she described her stance as one which distanced her from the classical anthropological mode , creating a ‘ memorable adventure ’ , which she claims , ‘ has marked me for life ’ ( ibid. 22 ) .
21 Then he received an offer to appear in Return from the River Kwai , which took him to the steaming jungles of the Philippines .
22 Tony , on the Leicester right , started it five yards from his own line with a brilliant burst which took him over the half-way line .
23 It would have been boorish not to return to the Jardin de Paris for lunch , a short walk which took me along the right bank of the Duna to the famous Széchenyi Bridge and Clark Adam tér .
24 At three-thirty Kattina appeared , and stepped into a taxi which took her into the bustling centre of Cairo .
25 And in order to assess the wind speed , we had to climb up a perpendicular outside iron staircase , which took us onto the flat roof of Flying Control .
26 During the years between 1813 and 1830 Serbia , under Miloš , had experienced a social , cultural and economic transformation which brought it from the medieval obscurity of a declining oriental despotism to the threshold of modern European statehood .
27 As has been noted , services are far less easy prey to import penetration ; and the broad financial sector fared well out of a sharp rise in inflation and the high interest rates which accompanied it in the early 1970s .
28 God means to free us from the bondage to the self-centredness and self-vindication which marked us in the old days , and has equipped us with the Spirit of the Messiah to set us free to serve him unselfconsciously , effectively and joyfully .
29 Despite the much vaunted heating and ventilating system of the new police headquarters the windows of Wycliffe 's office were almost obscured by condensation and the air had a clammy warmth which reminded him of the tropical house at Kew .
30 The Tories have more or less run out of good ideas which inspired them in the early Thatcher years , and are left only with a few bad ones : the creation of new , ever more incompetent ‘ private ’ monopolies ; the vindictive pursuit of aged war criminals ; the idiotic struggle to knock a penny off income tax , which will benefit nobody , when so much more could be achieved with a little imagination — by abolishing all discriminatory rates , abolishing capital transfer tax and other taxes on savings , allowing domestic wages ( as all other forms of employment are allowed ) against personal taxation …
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