Example sentences of "which [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 To use a single but important example , it is the difference between looking at the Great War as an event which centred around the policies and machinations of politicians and generals , or one which impinged upon the lives of ordinary people .
2 It was Mr Nofomela 's confession to the killing — the day before he was due to be executed for the murder of a white farmer — which led to the disclosures that the force has been running professional death squads .
3 One of his main claims was that MI5 had been fully penetrated by Russian intelligence which led to the allegations that Roger Hollis was himself a Russian mole .
4 In the event it was only those six states in which agitation for closer political and economic integration had been strongest in the 1940s , with political support at the highest level , which entered into the discussions that led to the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC ) .
5 Unfortunately , I fell on the gravel , severely grazing my knee and , what was worse , ruining one of my two pairs of stockings — nasty rayon objects which sagged at the knees and cost precious clothing coupons .
6 The spiders 's web threads were being used to provide samples of bacteria , which stuck to the threads as the air blew across them .
7 Like the hon. Gentleman , I well recall the Second Reading debate of the Shops Bill 1986 which followed upon the discussions and deliberations of the Auld committee which , since as long ago as 1985 , had been engaged in a series of debates about Sunday trading .
8 Nevertheless , some of the tension which existed between the police and black communities in the 1960s appears to have been relieved by an increase in the number of elected black politicians and their moderating influence on police policy : ‘ The growth of elected and appointed black people in the political system means that racialist and violent police behaviour comes to be more and more criticised and highlighted ’ ( Kilson , 1987:59 ) .
9 The feng-huang 's voice was also beautiful , and its song consisted of five perfect notes which echoed in the mountains as the bird soared the skies before returning to its home in the clouds with the gods .
10 The next section discusses a model of soil conservation which derived from the perceptions and objective political economic conditions of the ‘ colonial period ’ , stretching from about 1880 — 1960 .
11 During the first day the new members of the group followed the programme , which focused on the barriers that disabled people face in society .
12 Our meeting began with a seminar on ‘ Legacy : 500 Years of Evangelisation in the Americas ’ which focused on the conditions and concerns of the aboriginal peoples .
13 Perhaps they lacked the ideological baggage , or even the intellectual equipment , to recognize the type of mentality which lay behind the smiles and jokes .
14 In some cases the inspiration from Tripoli created opportunities which coincided with the interests and enthusiasms of men like Salah Muhammad who then set about persuading people , one by one , to take advantage of them .
15 In addition to the cameras on gantries alongside the 17th and 18th holes there were portable cameras and microphones , carried in little jeeps which scurried along the fairways as the players advanced .
16 A single road , holed and pockmarked , connected the prison 's main gates to a small tarmac road which wound through the hills and moors like a dry tongue in search of water .
17 In the 1950s and 60s , when Britain itself needed workers , it seemed obvious to turn again to the vast army of labour which waited in the colonies and ex-colonies , and whose situation itself had been created by colonialism .
18 He was going to spend the show hissing and flinging himself across the scaffolding arch which ran up the sides and across the top of the stage , and from which monkeys dangled , taunting Baloo the bear , who could n't climb and groaned a lot .
19 People wrote in books about a black weight of worry , and they were right , that was just how it felt , a perpetual physical burden which dragged at the shoulders and the heart , denying joy , even destroying , she thought bitterly , their pleasure in Debbie .
20 They rode through the wicket gate of the church , following the pathway which snaked between the trees and overgrown graves to the Norman church which stood on the brow of a small hillock .
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