Example sentences of "which [vb past] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had a tendency , even a compulsion to repeat short phrases which seemed particularly apt : to hammer at them as if something was being shaped on an anvil , or as if each phrase was a key which unlocked whole galleries of memory .
2 Based on a study of fifteen abandoned sites in the Paragominas region south of Belém , each of which experienced varying degrees of land-use intensity , Buschbacher et al. have shown that only those sites where low- and medium-intensity use were practised are likely to return to a forest cover .
3 A country which experienced volatile movements in capital flows , operating under a floating regime , would find that balance of payments equilibrium might be attained only by tolerating very wide swings in the foreign exchange value of its currency .
4 This file , or one identical to it , had emerged the victor of a curious contest at the Exhibition between Turtons ' English Files and a French company which manufactured another brand of file .
5 Will it be the Minister , the Secretary of State , the employers , the trade unions or some quango in which failed Tory Members of Parliament serve on inflated salaries ?
6 Only later was a full investigation made of the events in Dallas by a commission under Chief Justice Earl Warren , which produced 26 volumes of evidence .
7 Whatever the particular context of such changes , these studies demonstrate that a set of transformations in material culture which may be found to permeate almost every trivial domain , from chimneys to rubbish disposal , can be understood as a largely unconscious and unintentional response by a variety of social groups , which produced new forms of demand and new means of incorporating the emergence of mass produced items .
8 A survey conducted by Chittagong University 's Economics Department showed that the Satkhira region , which produced 40,000 tonnes of rice in 1976 , yielded only 360 tonnes ten years later .
9 It is also an area which produced several variations in style from the Pisan school centred on Pisa and Lucca to the work in Florence with its coloured marble facings and the districts further south in Assisi and Rome where contacts with the Lombard style are notable .
10 Immediately afterwards , however , came the Afghanistan invasion , which produced more problems for détente and US-European relations .
11 Henry VII himself supplemented the eyre with judicial proceedings of other kinds , such as the judicial inquiry in 1494 into offences in Pickering Forest , which revealed extensive destruction of vert and venison .
12 In 1889 she published a Guide to District Nurses and Home Nursing which became essential reading for district nurses .
13 Essentially the disputes which led local men to side predominantly with Parliament in the 1640s grew from their ideas of social control .
14 In 1965 , Lyndon Johnson , who , according to Atkin , wanted to be remembered as the ‘ Education President ’ , devoted much of his energies to the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act , which appropriated large sums of money for a compensatory education programme .
15 He retired as hydrographer in 1874 , and became managing director of the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company , which laid 76,000 miles of submarine cables under his guidance .
16 It represented a synthesis of certain ideas , expressing as uncritical positivism which amalgamated certain propositions from anthropology , biology , psychology and sociology , which was presented as an hierarchy of race .
17 Caretaker wondered if there was something in the syntax of the Welsh language which made this sort of construction more acceptable in Welsh than it was in English .
18 I had not yet learnt that every German soldier from private upwards had had an elementary political education which made this sort of argument child 's play for him .
19 History teaching had been developing along lines which made more use of reference and local source material , while IS , which involved history , science , geography , and religious education ( RE ) , had been concerned with providing greater primary/secondary continuity in the first-year curriculum , and with developing , through an interdisciplinary base , essential learning skills .
20 Mr Uppal regarded the SMG as an extremist organisation which manipulated racial violence on behalf of his enemies in the council Labour group .
21 If the Prime Minister really wants to help the British people , he should use Maastricht to give us a system which will promote balanced regional economic development throughout the United Kingdom , attack some of the social ills and divisions which beset British society at present and , finally , enhance not detract from the quality of British democracy .
22 There was the obligatory tower which rose 220 feet above street level .
23 One volume , but two books : title-page of Mathematical Magick ( 1680 ) , which described four methods of flight : ( 1 ) by spirits or Angels ; ( 2 ) by the help of fowls ; ( 3 ) by wings fastened to the body ; ( 4 ) by a flying chariot .
24 For both Chesterton and Williamson the first World War was a searing experience which provided lasting images of heroism , horror , comradeship , leadership and fear .
25 Paneth was a keen traveller , an interest which provided many opportunities for photography .
26 Paneth was a keen traveller , an interest which provided many opportunities for photography .
27 The Warwickshire-based Tubeworkers , which provided 1,000 tons of steel , also invested nearly £130,000 for the right to be named as one of the sponsors of the British pavilion .
28 If you need an intensive course which provided 30–40 hours of teaching material then use Fast Forward Short Course Editions .
29 A nationwide questionnaire on the effects of the shaking produced 9000 replies , which provided further information on ground motion effects .
30 Under circumstances of medical emergency , defined as a situation which involved immediate risk of death or " substantial and irreversible impairment of major bodily function " , the restrictions could be overridden .
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