Example sentences of "which [vb base] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The project also aims to evaluate the policies which influence the management of nature conservation resources and to identify how policies can be developed to increase the economic role of wildlife without detriment to the wider aims of nature conservation .
2 Many studies of unemployment have been concerned to identify the various factors ( age , health , skill , social class , race , sex , etc ) which influence the length of time spent unemployed , the frequency of spells of unemployment and the categories of people who suffer disproportionately from job loss .
3 Factors which influence the use of notation include the following :
4 The research aims to examine the processes and structures which influence the production of science information in the mass media , and to provide a systematic analysis of the extent and nature of images of science across different media and genres .
5 Other factors which influence the perception of risk include the degree of trust in the organisation ; familiarity and understanding of the technology ; the extent of involvement in the decision making process ; whether it is believed that more could be done to reduce risk ; comparisons with accepted risks ; and — last but not least — the fairness in the distribution of the risks and benefits .
6 In this chapter , we examine the factors which influence the demand for money and the important question of how the economy reacts to changes in the supply of money .
7 Rising from a low-level patio behind the elegant five storey house , the garden is dominated by two high trees — a lime and an ash — which mean a lot of shade for Tricia to cope with .
8 ’ We emphatically do not need new regulations , ’ Mrs Thatcher said in Bruges last autumn , ’ which raise the cost of employment and make Europe 's labour market less flexible . ’
9 Population pressure on land has led to increasing competition of less sensitive rotations which maximise the production of food crops with beneficial rotations which include nitrogen-fixing crops and forage crops .
10 Nothing wrong with that , of course , except that they sometimes develop ridiculously romantic notions about figures from the past , and write ill-conceived letters to the national press which bring the Circle into disrepute . ’
11 Future cooperation seems more unlikely , particularly in view of the recent changes which bring an element of privatisation to all sectors of training and hence lead to greater competition .
12 National rules sometimes impose conditions on business activity which make no reference to nationality , but nevertheless have the practical effect of discriminating on grounds of nationality .
13 They include aerobatic displays , rural crafts , trade stands , and a motor safari which make the event of interest , not just to equestrian enthusiasts .
14 B i and B j are factors which make the mass per nucleon exactly one atomic mass unit ; ζ specifies the strength of the new potential relative to gravitation and , l is its range parameter .
15 Even if a person did not know the consequences of giving up their autonomy , it is in fact these consequences which make the relinquishing of autonomy wrong .
16 All three are [ in different degrees ] illusions , which make the weight of life bearable — to those of sufficient stature to feel its weight in the first place .
17 There have been a number of studies on isolated words which explore the trade-off between discriminability of lexical items , and the amount of phonemic information used in their representation .
18 In the midst of those terrifying complaint stories in Numbers is another chapter concerned with the offerings to be made once the people have occupied the Land , offerings which suggest a life of plenty waiting to be enjoyed there ( ch.
19 The same objections might also be applied to models which suggest a role for government policy arising out of asymmetries of information between groups in the private sector .
20 Today 's PAG-ACS fast-charger technology involves intelligent and pulse-charging micro-chip controlled sensing and monitoring devices , which sense the amount of charge left in the battery , prevent heat build up ( the main enemy to battery longevity ) , and detect lazy cells , thus maintaining balanced charging .
21 It is the heart and lungs which provide a person with stamina .
22 In experiments of this sort , which provide a sort of population index of learning , about two thirds of the normal ( what geneticists call ‘ wild-type ’ ) flies avoid the shock-associated odour , and only one third avoid the control odour .
23 This is even more depressing when one realises that in various parts of the country there are projects run by the probation service and the voluntary organisations which provide an alternative to custody .
24 The county councils are concerned with whether the proposals are consistent with their structure plans , which provide the framework for development in the area .
25 Thus , mammals have cilia in their lungs which remove dust , and mussels have cilia on their gills which shift a stream of mucilage which in turn traps nutritious detritus .
26 Hence the ubiquity of testing , and evaluation schemes which involve the assessment of teacher or student performances .
27 11.2 At the same time , the Department recognises that it has long been practice to seek assistance from the police in certain situations , particularly in order to avoid a breach of the peace when carrying out statutory duties which involve the restriction of liberty and removal of persons .
28 We need to recognize that at some level , the processes of computer-aided historical research which involve the application of expert or subject-specific knowledge — are explicable in generic terms that can be made accessible to non-specialists .
29 The Act creates six offences , all of which involve the use of language or material that is ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting , ’ each of which will be considered in turn .
30 Investments in public transport , the de-development of major traffic axes and the implementation of traffic restraint measures are now key instruments of policies which emphasize the importance of tradition and urban conservation .
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