Example sentences of "which [vb past] [pers pn] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the circumstances which drove me to these experiments will be familiar to most home cooks .
2 Over the years , the economic pressures have grown , partly as a result of government policies which committed it to high levels of spending , and partly because of external factors such as declining terms of trade and smaller than anticipated flows of aid after independence .
3 If anything the gulf separating them from an outside world which uprooted families and whole villages for labour on distant farms , or worse still in factories and mines , which extracted taxes , recruits and grain , which subjected them to constant brutality and humiliation grew steadily wider .
4 and the legislation which anchored it to statutory process , had secured a firmer foothold and had begun to flirt uncertainly with wider issues .
5 So Suger persuaded Louis to begin the task — not completed till the reign of Philip Augustus — of extricating himself from the bonds of homage which bound him to various bishops in the realm .
6 At sixteen he ran away from Harrow , and set up as a film director , work which took him to central Europe and east Africa , but proved financially unrewarding .
7 Perhaps his father had the kind of job which took him to many parts of the country , and possibly he took the boy with him , I do not know .
8 The winner on the day was Francois Lombard — a result which took him to third place overall in the championships .
9 After lunch we took one of the trains hauled by 1618 which took us to Horsted Keynes and up the new extension to New Coombe Bridge .
10 Baker 's sanitary reports on the cholera in Tyneside , and on housing and environmental conditions in Leeds , included a use of maps which brought him to wider notice .
11 A short flight up was a landing and the stairs turned in on themselves to another short flight , which brought her to another corridor similar to the one downstairs but more than twice its length .
12 His Magic Flute for the Welsh National Opera , which introduced him to British audiences in 1979 , avoided the sort of in-jokes that Mozart 's pop entertainment often elicits ( authentically enough , as Schikaneder was a Rowan Atkinson figure ) .
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