Example sentences of "which [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 To a young doctor like myself , these were my ‘ valuables ’ — the Zeiss Ikon microscope in the scuffed leather case , its precious lenses protected from dust by silk covers ; the glass-lidded box of stainless-steel instruments — retractors , forceps , hooks , scissors and needles ; my much-thumbed copy of that heavy-going but essential tome , Gray 's Anatomy ; manuals of pharmacology and pharmacy ; Belding 's Textbook of Clinical Parasitology and Strong 's Prevention and Treatment of Tropical Diseases , both of which I 'd bought at the last minute in the hope that the young man in John Bell & Croyden in Wigmore Street was right when he assured me that they provided ‘ the answers to all tropical problems ’ ; and some bound volumes of the British Medical Journal which I had picked up cheap in Charing Cross Road .
2 I was pleased at being only a metre behind which I had lost at the start , but it was all really anti-climactic after Stuttgart .
3 She also took to pastry-making , which she continued to practise at a local confectioner 's when she returned to Epsom in 1854 , though her family thought this to be ‘ ultra modern and not quite nice ’ .
4 There was a glass-fronted mahogany cupboard where Ellen insisted on keeping Bernard 's family photographs , which she had found at the bottom of a suitcase .
5 But in her relief Nenna forgot the quiet reasonable remarks which she had rehearsed at the bus stops , and in the buses , all the way to Stoke Newington .
6 ‘ They came in their full march into the town with about 60 or 70 coloureds borne before them which they 'd taken at the Battle of Edgehill from the Parliament 's forces .
7 He said the party 's 49 Scottish MPs would campaign for a multi-option referendum on the country 's future , something which they had endorsed at the meeting .
8 Baldwin , following the conclusion of certain pacts with Philip Augustus , sought to extricate himself from the possible threat of excommunication and interdict on his lands which he had accepted at the time of the agreement if certain conditions were not fulfilled .
9 Would he have flung the bitter allegations and repeated the damning indictment of her which he had made at the time of Simon 's death ?
10 Dismissed in the last months of his life as a spent force who would not match the powerful energy invested in the compositions which he had created at the beginning of his nine-year career , Basquiat briefly recaptured , by the unhappy circumstances of his death , an image of glamour and a wave of speculation which pushed the prices of virtually unsaleable pictures to $500,000 .
11 She had written a receipt for the month 's rent for the garage , which he had proffered at the same time , and had received the book with a watery smile .
12 But when the King of Toledo heard of the hurt which he had received at the hands of the Cid , he sent to King Don Alfonso to complain thereof , and the King was greatly troubled .
13 Kirov chose another snap which he had taken at a pavement cafe in Tbilisi , bringing his final selection to four .
14 After the Summer Recess the Cabinet reverted to the subject of capital punishment on 3 November , with the Lord President of the Council reporting on the results of the soundings of Government supporters which he had taken at the request of the Cabinet at its meeting on 15 July .
15 Hopes of an improvement under Churchill were qualified by the determination to prevent any return to the virtual parity which he had enjoyed at the height of his wartime partnership with Roosevelt .
16 The Scottish Nationalists suffered a further setback when one of their leading figures , Mr James Sillars , was ousted from Glasgow Govan , which he had won at a by-election .
17 On Oct. 13 , 1989 ( i.e. before the ousting of Zhivkov ) , the BCP newspaper Rabotnichesko Delo published the transcripts of letters sent to the Soviet leadership in the 1940s by Bulgaria 's first communist leader , Georgi Dimitrov , in which he had protested at the wrongful incarceration in the Soviet Union of Bulgarian communists during the Stalinist terror .
18 After a few minutes , he went into the saloon and ordered a coffee which he drank standing at the bar .
19 Early in his career , he used the ‘ age-regression ’ technique to uncover traumatic childhood events which he felt lay at the root of his patient 's distress , but he came to realise that it was highly unlikely that all Viennese children were sexually molested by their parents even though nearly all his patients , when under hypnosis vividly described such encounters .
20 He had in his hurry left one drawer just a little open , and was now delving into the carpet-bag , which he 'd found at the bottom of the shelved larder .
21 A year earlier Matisse had show his painting Le Bonheur de Vivre ( Barnes Foundation , Merrion , Penn. ) at the Salon des Indépendants , where it had received a great deal of attention , and during the winter of 1907 Derain was engaged in painting a canvas of bathers ( Museum of Modern Art , New York ) which he intended to show at the Indépendants of 1907 , so that it is possible that the Demoiselles may have been prompted by a spirit of rivalry .
22 Within a year Labour was recapturing some of the political ground which it had lost at the local elections in November 1931 .
23 The National Democratic Party ( NDP ) , a DLP splinter group formed in February 1989 by former Finance Minister Richie Haynes , failed to retain any of the four seats which it had held at the dissolution .
24 Prime Minister Chung , however , voiced suspicion over the North 's nuclear programme , pointing out that North Korea had not yet ratified the nuclear safeguard agreement which it had signed at the International Atomic Energy Authority ( IAEA ) on Jan. 30 [ see p. 38721 ] , allowing for international inspection of its nuclear facilities .
25 Following a meeting in early August between Sarney , Ferreira da Nóbrega and John Reed , chairman and chief executive of the US Citibank ( which as Brazil 's largest creditor was owed some $4,000 million ) , Ferreira da Nóbrega confirmed the government 's intention to continue to make the payment of debt interest dependent on the state of reserves , which it wanted to keep at a " safe " level of at least $6,000 million .
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