Example sentences of "which [noun pl] be [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 One way around this particular problem would be to adapt the approach recommended by the Canadian Sentencing Commission ( 1997 ) , in which guide-lines are used in the first instance simply to indicate offences for which the presumptive sentence would ( or would normally ) involve a community sanction , and those which would ( or would normally ) involve a custodial penalty .
2 His original mind and interests in music , linguistics and the human voice led him to study the problems of deaf education and to invent " The New Sign Language , " in which every sign was a pantomimic version of the spoken word and in which signs were made in the same order and in the same sequel as the words of normal speech .
3 Genes are made of the nucleic acid DNA , and they exert their effect by determining which proteins are made in the cell .
4 Obviously the choice of which words are included in the look-up word list is paramount to the efficiency of the system .
5 The study reviews the extent to which computers are used in the industry and the institutional responses to the need for changes in technician training .
6 Heath has proposed an alternative ‘ fullerene-road ’ scheme in which fullerenes are formed in the size range of 30–40 carbon atoms and grow by the addition of small carbon radicals .
7 They would have been less well advised to move from temporary obligation to redemption if they had had to wait for the money which the peasants owed them , but the government realized that peasants were in no position to redeem their obligations overnight and advanced most of the money to which nobles were entitled in the form of interest-bearing bonds .
8 However , the proportions in which elements are produced in the big bang depend on the number of types of neutrino ( the neutrinos play a role in moving energy around the fireball ) .
9 Now consider an alternative model in which equation ( 3.14 ) is still the true process determining Y t , but in which expectations are formed in the following irrational way : where the 's are coefficients , and is an irrational expectation of Y t formed in period t - 1 .
10 Their demands were to have a radical effect on British livestock on a national basis and a massive trade developed in which cattle were reared in the more remote northern and western regions , sent in droves to fatten on grass and turnips in the Midlands , Norfolk , Essex , Hertfordshire , Middlesex and Surrey , and thence to London 's slaughterhouses in due course .
11 There have been recent increases in the extent to which tenancies are registered in the names of both parties , again of benefit to the woman .
12 The Treaty provisions endeavour to establish a system of workable competition to maintain a choice for consumers , purchasers and suppliers , and to ensure that market entry remains unhindered by anti-competitive practices while at the same time supply and demand are allowed to operate freely , so ensuring that the prices at which goods are sold in the market place are competitive .
13 The proportions in which partners are to share in the profits of the business will normally be set out in the partnership deed .
14 The course should inform participants which languages are spoken in the country concerned , if English is generally used and whether a local language needs to be learned for business and/or social communication .
15 The terms are thereby used to describe the level at which decisions are taken in the management hierarchy .
16 Centralisation and decentralisation refer to the degree to which authority is delegated in an organisation — and therefore the level at which decisions are taken in the management hierarchy .
17 The seriousness with which volunteers are taken in the CAB is to a large extent up to them .
18 The result is , as we have seen , a tendency towards a teacher-dominated style of interaction , in which children are placed in the passive role of respondents , obliged to accept the teacher 's definition of what is considered relevant .
19 ( First Edition ) IRELAND 's Sean Kelly , who finished seventh in the Paris-Tours race on Saturday to win the inaugural World Cup , has criticised the system by which points are allocated in the series .
20 IRELAND 's Sean Kelly , who finished seventh in the Paris-Tours race on Saturday to win the inaugural World Cup , has criticised the system by which points are allocated in the series .
21 Inflation affects the income statement because of the way in which inventories are valued in the production process .
22 To sum up , the sequence in which documents are issued in the purchasing and receipt of goods can be seen below :
23 The frequency with which campaigns were organized in the 1340s , 1350s and 1370s and the need to provide substantial forces for the defence of English-held castles and towns encouraged the nobility to maintain permanent forces which might be augmented by the use of sub-contractors when necessary .
24 A major way in which women are represented in the study of deviance is through the theory of ‘ feminine identification ’ , which is a common one in explanations of delinquency and criminality .
25 She stoops to conquer and discuss the ways in which women are portrayed in the play .
26 The effect of each compound on 1 2 5 I-IFN γ binding was studied by comparing 10 tubes in which cells were incubated in the presence of each of the drugs with 10 control tubes .
27 Finally , the Appendix contains a short bibliography that includes mostly those works to which references are made in the text .
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