Example sentences of "which [modal v] [be] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The academic development and day-to-day management of fields , which may be made up of modules contributed from more than one department , are , however , in the hands of Field Committees headed by elected Field Chairs ( the horizontal axis ) .
2 You may input an unlimited number of addresses which may be called up by name , town , any of two user-defined fields or simply scroll through the list in ‘ Rolodex ’ fashion .
3 You may input an unlimited number of addresses which may be called up by name , town , any of two user-defined fields or simply scroll through the list in ‘ Rolodex ’ fashion .
4 Across the 30 pages of the booklet are details of ‘ ppe for use in a very dangerous situation ’ ( e.g. facing Waqar Younis ) , ‘ ppe which may be caught up during use ’ ( which requires the equipment to have an ‘ appropriate resistance threshold above which a constituent part will break and eliminate the danger ’ .
5 Guild members are not content with the position in the cooperative world which may be summed up in the saying of the man ‘ My wife and I are one , and I am that one ’ .
6 In the long term , there has been a gradual but clearly identifiable change in the attitude of British business since the Second World War , which may be summed up in a single word : management .
7 All are designed to convert pre-existing contractual rights and obligations to net monetary rights and obligations , which may be set off against one another to produce the net sums referred to above .
8 thirdly , some principles of professional practice which may be drawn up on the basis of these discussions .
9 The fee for burial does not include charges for grave-digging , which may be carried out by a parochial officer ( in which case the vicar sets the charge ) , or by a grave-digger hired by the funeral director .
10 ‘ In this section — … ‘ company ’ means a company within the meaning given by section 735(1) of the Companies Act or a company which may be wound up under Part V of this Act ( unregistered companies ) ; …
11 The position would , of course , have been plainer if Parliament had provided an expanded express definition of ‘ company ’ for the purposes of the group of sections which relate to administrative receivers , such as was done in the case of section 388(4) of the Act of 1986 , and was also done , for example , in section 22(2) ( b ) of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 , where company is defined as including ‘ any company which may be wound up under Part V of the Insolvency Act . ’
12 The definition of ‘ company ’ in section 22(2) ( b ) of that Act includes any company which may be wound up under Part V of the Insolvency Act .
13 It may be appropriate to establish in the course of the discussions the information on the potential acquiror which may be conveyed back to the client .
14 Much of what we do in daily life is done by habit , which may be passed down from one generation to another .
15 I suggest that there are a number of steps which should be gone through towards this end .
16 More cash for the technological preparation for NET , the Next European Torus that will follow on from JET , the Joint European Torus which should be switched on in May .
17 The clearance procedure involves a review of the circumstances to confirm our competence to act which should be carried out by two independent MAS partners plus a senior partner the names of whom are available from CFSU .
18 This is the only type of stretching which should be carried out before exercise when the muscles are cold .
19 The work , which should be carried out in stages , included an opening from St James 's Park to Charing Cross , a railway from Westminster to the City of London , and three large blocks of offices .
20 The infamous Clause 28 , forbidding teachers to ‘ promote ’ homosexuality , tends to be supported by those who believe there is such a thing as classical sex — one proper , heterosexual way of doing it , which should be drummed in like a correct French accent .
21 In the case of a City Code transaction where the firm is making an offer on behalf of its client , a separate contract ( which should be drawn up by the firm 's lawyers ) should form the basis of the firm 's responsibilities for making such an offer .
22 Nominations , which should be backed up with as much information as possible , should be sent to the Veuve Clicquot Award , Freepost , London E1 9BR by 31 January .
23 — Developing an analysis of society and the Church which will isolate the key tasks which should be taken up by the prophetic sector in the Church .
24 To begin with a general point of caution , concerning the relationship between socialised economic planning and enterprise democracy : I have claimed these to be complementary features of the socialist project , and in an important sense they are , yet there is an inherent tension between the two which must be faced up to .
25 The only thing that I do n't like is the silly little protection book that contains pictorial passwords which must be looked up after loading the game .
26 They specified modifications which must be carried out on the ship before it will be allowed to sail again .
27 By that date the Libyan leader Col. Moamer al Kadhafi had also expressed , in an interview with an Egyptian newspaper , his readiness to accept the findings of an international inquiry which might be carried out under UN auspices .
28 — presenting evidence in support of and against various positions which might be taken up with regard to the issue ;
29 what 's happening is that the membership handbook should have been out last week but I think it 's actually going out physically today and I 've done a reminder which 'll be mailed out with it erm making one or two little pointed remarks about blah blah blah this is a very important event and please note it is not in Edinburgh you know erm S S K are very supportive of us we should you know take advantage of this very important
30 There was no major saint-cult which could be relied on to bolster episcopal power .
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