Example sentences of "which [modal v] [verb] [noun pl] in the " in BNC.

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1 We saw that this term was used very generally to describe various sorts of tension which arise in social practices , or between them , and which may provoke changes in the structure of society .
2 A characteristic which he stresses , and which should give managers in the formal sector pause for thought , is its ‘ enormous flexibility ’ .
3 On the other hand , when assets are economically independent , integration would bring in outside control which would dilute incentives in the division being controlled .
4 Some models of development had been proposed which would require changes in the Charter and Statutes , but since there was no evidence that the government wished to see any change in the basic role ‘ of the Council or in the status of institutions in the maintained sector ’ , the Council had given priority in the shorter term to developments within the existing Charter and Statutes .
5 It is possible , nevertheless , to take quite a different view of the relationship between the binary policy and perceptions of the universities — a view which would have resonances in the developing higher education systems of many other countries .
6 Frans Andriessen , the EC Commissioner responsible for foreign relations , favoured " affiliate membership " for Europe 's " orphan countries " , which would have members in the European Parliament , observer status at the Commission , participation in the EC 's single internal market and links to the EC 's planned single currency .
7 This deal was made acceptable to those provinces which would lose seats in the new Senate by increasing their representation in a House of Commons expanded from 295 to 337 members .
8 TODAY is all in favour of pressing ahead with the great public works which will give jobs in the construction , building and engineering industries , all of which have been badly hit by the recession .
9 The company , which will hold shares in the recycling business and assist in the marketing of products , continues to be criticised by environmentalists for not using washable plates and cutlery .
10 During the year , the Government acceded to requests to establish a Review Committee which will examine differences in the legal bases of valuation practice north and south of the border .
11 The first is the provision of a data set which will be of general value to the social scientific community and which will enable scholars in the field of electoral behaviour to update and develop their research .
12 The research examines and evaluates such support in three very different national contexts all of which can claim successes in the computer field .
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