Example sentences of "which [modal v] [verb] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is an immense difference between the political systems of fascism and of liberal democracy , either of which may exist in a capitalist society ; and no one can doubt that the history of the world would have been very different if the fascist powers had been victorious in the Second World War .
2 At the time of writing it is possible that the organisation Food From Britain will assume responsibility for marketing and controlling organic foods , which may result in a new logo to certify organic foods .
3 However , there are countervailing forces which might result in a lower volume of services .
4 Had Pardy , in a nutshell , just been carried away and thoughtless — which might result in a lesser charge — or had he set out to harm Harriet with such deadly results that this might even finish up as a trial for manslaughter ?
5 Therefore Athens and Sparta must be played against each other , and their troops preferably used , not against each other ( which might end in a definite result ) , but against Macedon 's frontier enemies .
6 On the other hand , a ridden horse with his ears pricked forward is probably concentrating on an object or another horse it has seen , which could result in a shy or other forms of misbehaviour .
7 Information as used in communication studies refers to the range of possible alternative words which could occur in a certain position in speech .
8 Any mistake of law would mean that the authority had asked itself the wrong question , which would result in a jurisdictional error .
9 A large enzyme pool turning over at the same rate as a small one would produce more new enzyme , which would result in a greater amount of enzyme being available for secretion .
10 In an address to the Arab League summit on May 27 , Hussein referred to " an exchange of letters " between the two countries , which he hoped would lead to " direct and deep dialogue which would result in a comprehensive peace " .
11 Special concern surrounded the plans announced by the Ukrainian Republic to run its own 420,000-strong army independently of the Soviet Union — a move which would result in a serious excess over the troop levels agreed in the CFE treaty .
12 The Patriotic Accord coalition government of President Jaime Paz Zamora denounced the ruling as contravening a recent financial law passed by the Congress , and as establishing a precedent which would result in a total loss to the treasury of the equivalent of US$58,000,000 .
13 The UK and the US planned to veto a proposed amendment to the Partial Test Ban treaty , scheduled for the Jan 7–16 , which would result in a complete ban on testing .
14 It is possible that in the absence of Lmp2 and Lmp7 , peptides of inappropriate length are generated , which would result in a decreased stability of the assembled class I molecules .
15 Julian Driver , technical director of Vickers Laboratories , which has introduced this restriction , explained that ‘ it must be used in a reaction which will result in a non-volatile product — and there are precious few of those ’ .
16 Skittle table , as shown in a 1934 Woodworker ( right ) and Ralph Sinnott 's design , which will feature in a future issue ( top )
17 ICL last week announced its support for Texas Instruments Inc 's superscalar Viking Sparc — see front page — which will figure in a top-end , multi-processing DRS6000 Model 764 .
18 This means that if one tries to take an ‘ essential section ’ there is no essence revealed which is the present of each level ; indeed the break valid for one history would not necessarily correspond to that valid for any other which will live in a different time and in a different rhythm .
19 There is also the intention to establish a major schools music competition , which will culminate in a special BT Scottish Ensemble concert .
20 The legislation embodies numerous illogicalities and anomalies , including the double capital tax charge on gifts made within seven years before death , the taxation of some settlements as if no interest in possession exist when , in fact , they do , and the effect of the ‘ pooling ’ rules for shares etc , which can result in a chargeable gain which greatly exceeds the actual gain on a disposal of a recently acquired holding , eg on a rights issue .
21 First , it is the only sense which can appear in a neutral , or minimal context , as in 69 :
22 These seminar groups lead to the establishment of ‘ invisible colleges ’ , based on the broad similarity of approach which can develop in a single large department .
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