Example sentences of "which [modal v] [verb] [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 An extrapolation of these figures would indicate an annual turnover of staff from the department as high as 100% — a disquieting percentage even after allowance for the various factors which may accelerate change in a predominantly female workforce . ’
2 Their Lordships consider that the judge 's direction here was both helpful and procedurally acceptable and indeed , subject to any practice which may hold sway in a particular jurisdiction , can see absolutely no objection to incorporating similar directions in the judge 's original charge to the jury .
3 This is supported by General Condition 2 of the Engineering and Computer Policies which sets out the action to be taken by the Policyholder on the happening of any event which may give rise to a claim .
4 The seller will be deemed to have received proceeds equal to the capital element ( that is , exclusive of the income element ) which may give rise to a capital gain or , more likely perhaps , an allowable loss .
5 erm there has not been a manifesto for the next General Election , which may take place in a week or two , or in a year or so .
6 When a Statement of Special Educational Needs is prepared for a child , a process which may entail segregation into a special school , the child 's level of attainment will often be a critical element in the decision-making process .
7 Compulsive enforced vomiting may also cause acute disturbance of body fluid balance which may require treatment in a hospital or specialist addiction unit — The regurgitated acid from the stomach erodes the enamel of teeth and results in severe dental problems .
8 However , Compacts are managed by Partnerships which should invite participation from a wide range of the different groups in a community whose aims are : 1 ) to work together to address the needs and interests of nil participants , and 2 ) specifically to challenge the assumptions which underlie the anxieties expressed in a ) — e ) above .
9 A program object which must precede declaration of a user defined function ( FN ) or procedure ( PROC ) .
10 The problem for any new supra-authority will be to sort out its priorities , which must benefit London as a whole rather than local short-term interests .
11 ( b ) any claim arising out of circumstances notified to the insurer during the period of insurance as circumstances which might give rise to a claim .
12 ( e ) there was widespread agreement amongst those who opposed the proposal , that a solicitor who wished to act in the circumstances outlined in the question ought nevertheless to be under an obligation to disclose to the lender any personal , family or employee interests attaching to the transaction which might give rise to a conflict .
13 On Oct. 25 the European Commission also denied reports that Delors and the US Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton had reached a secret understanding to block a GATT agreement which might boost chances of a Republican victory .
14 More selfish economic motives were also involved , given the British wish to see limitations imposed on Japanese economic development , which could form part of a treaty .
15 It should be noted that we do not require immediate notification of any claim but in fact of any event which could give rise to a claim under the policy .
16 An invisible barrier put up between different departments in a financial organisation , preventing them from discussing matters which could give rise to a conflict of interest .
17 The base was run in the manner expected from Nigel Clogstoun-Willmott , with no concessions to careless habits or moments of inattention which could cost lives on a beach .
18 Importance was attached to the legitimate interest which the English public would have in information which could throw light on a major " unsolved " crime .
19 There are few exceptions where human skulls have been found in wells and which could suggest violence at a later period .
20 It would be necessary to provide " international protection for our people " during this phase , which could find acceptance as a " transitional stage , provided interim arrangements are not transformed into permanent status " .
21 It was Europe on 5 October 1989 , where a vast human drama which could provide scenes for a thousand films is in progress , writes Patricia Clough .
22 This meant either working out very accurate tables of the movements of the moon or devising a chronometer which could keep time for a voyage of months or years without relying on a pendulum that would be disturbed by the rolling of the ship .
23 We called on the Attorney-General to refer his case to the Appeal Court so that the sentence could be increased to one which would protect women for a long time .
24 no more than the embodiment of administrative arrangements which would give order to a confused system and some of which had been recommended and accepted as desirable during the previous two decades .
25 Villagers are angry over a proposed deal which would give owners of a gravel pit the right to build thirty houses .
26 A conference on Aug. 16-19 attended by representatives of 14 political parties as well as church , trade union , student and business leaders , called for the establishment of an all-party transitional government which would conduct elections for a constituent assembly to draw up a new constitution .
27 However , Denmark , Germany , the Netherlands and the UK , all of which derived substantial excise revenues from tobacco sales , objected to the ban and the Council of ( Health ) Ministers agreed in Luxembourg on June 6 to press for changes which would restrict publicity on a voluntary rather than a statutory basis .
28 The JUSTICE proposal advocated the establishment of a Contingency Legal Aid Fund , financed by contributions from successful litigants , which would pay lawyers on a normal basis but recoup costs on a contingency basis .
29 As David Scott described it , a low-paid clerkship , which would necessitate payment of a living allowance by the clerk 's friends , was miraculously translated into a certain path to riches and a special compliment to the civic leaders of the town of Cupar .
30 The report was presented in June 1962 by the Town Clerk and Borough Surveyor and indicated the desirability of seeking a partnership between the Corporation and a development company which would regard development as a long-term investment and be interested in the equity .
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