Example sentences of "which [be] [vb pp] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At its top the uterus is two inches across , and from each side come the fallopian tubes , themselves about 4½ inches in length , which serve as the channel down which the ovum travels from the ovaries , which are situated at the far end of the fallopian tubes .
2 There are a number of amendments to Schedule 5 which are directed at the same broad objective though they go somewhat further than the suggestions I have described .
3 Consequently , if it is necessary to redeploy employees to posts which are graded at a lower salary than the employees original posts , the contractual earnings of such employees will be protected .
4 As much as five mitochondrial introns are known today which are inserted at the same position as intron 1 in P.wickerhamii .
5 In spite of the shift to the political right there remains widespread support for state-funded programmes in education and health and for those which are targeted at the poor and the old .
6 In applying the requirements of the [ draft ] FRS capital instruments which are issued at the same time in a composite transaction should be considered together .
7 The committee makes recommendations , which are shared at a public meeting .
8 However , big is not always beautiful , and often having two smaller models which are used at the real point of use in a catering establishment can give greater flexibility and be more cost-effective .
9 Other such thematic surveys completed during the year included the DOE-funded Falkirk project , the results of which were presented at a one day seminar for planning officials , where the practical value of the 36 thematic maps produced was demonstrated .
10 H. This stands for historic pricing and indicates that unless there has been an intervening revaluation investors may deal at the prices quoted in the newspaper on that day ( which were set at the closing levels of the previous day ) .
11 Businessmen were further upset by a series of tax proposals , commonly known as the " soak the rich taxes " , which were aimed at the wealthy and large business corporations .
12 The reforms , which were discussed at a two-day conference in Brisbane , were designed to eliminate regional differences in regulations and services .
13 Of the accepted bids , 85.8 per cent included bonds which were issued at a 35 per cent discount in exchange for bank loans .
14 It has a narrow Norman tower , the battlements of which were added at a later date .
15 These , which were read at an ordinary meeting of members , said that the administration had broken faith with the profession through not fulfilling the conditions on which ‘ a large body of professional men ’ had entered the competition .
16 In periods of rising profits a company which is geared at a low level may not have the growth potential to give ordinary shareholders the returns expected from a more highly-geared company .
17 Projecting from the handle is an iron bar , somewhat twisted and corroded , which is curved at the broken end to form part of a semicircle .
18 Indeed , my right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Surrey , East ( Sir G. Howe ) , in a speech right out of the defeatist book which is kept at the Foreign Office , seemed to declare that a nation with its own currency could not survive in the days of the ecu .
19 The victim is usually speared with the barbed teeth in the proboscis and quickly killed by the venom which is injected at the same time .
20 It simulates the bit of the search space which is rooted at the current state , and plans an acceptable next move .
21 The new range , which is targeted at the traditional scientific and technical parallel computing markets , will comprise five model types , covering a performance range from 800 MIPS to over 400,000 MIPS .
22 The new range , which is targeted at the traditional scientific and technical parallel computing markets , will comprise five model types , covering a performance range from 800 MIPS to over 400,000 MIPS .
23 The Guidelines issued to schools make reference to the SCOTVEC Module ( ‘ The Road User ’ which is targeted at the 16–18 year old age group .
24 This is an independent , five-year parts and labour warranty , which is sold at a competitive rate .
25 The new five-door car , which is aimed at a middle sector of the market dominated by the VW Golf , Vauxhall Astra and Fiat Tipo , is one of Rover 's most important launches this decade .
26 On Feb. 24 de Klerk announced the date of the referendum — March 17 — and the wording of the question to which voters would have to respond with a yes or a no : " Do you support continuation of the reform process which the State President began on Feb. 2 , 1990 [ see p. 37232 ] , and which is aimed at a new constitution through negotiation ? "
27 In a " whites-only " referendum on March 17 , 68.6 per cent of voters responded positively to the question : " Do you support continuation of the reform process which the State President began on Feb. 2 , 1990 [ see p. 37232 ] , and which is aimed at a new constitution through negotiation ? "
28 This month Cellnet launched its Lifetime tariff system which is aimed at the light user — the lone woman motorist or people who only make the occasional vital call .
29 Two further introns were included in our comparisons : the second LSUrRNA intron from P.wickerhamii , which resembles Pw ri1 in sequence and secondary structure , and ri2 from Scenedesmus obliquus mitochondria , which is located at an identical position as ri2 from P.wickerhamii ( 21 ) .
30 The other is in European and Comparative Law , under the auspices of the Law Board , and will be related in particular to the degree of M.Juris. , a one-year postgraduate degree , and to a new four-year undergraduate degree in Law , one year of which is spent at a European university .
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