Example sentences of "which [pron] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before we delivered our report , however , I had joined the Arts Council , of which I became chairman in May 1965 .
2 I 'm never sure if this is capital or recurrent , and I know I have a fund account under the Library cost centre through which I purchase software for Library use .
3 Let me mention just one aspect of worship which I call worship as rehearsal .
4 And there 's also you may or may not have the erm form which you claim relief for community charge and housing benefit inside the form .
5 You just need to increase the frequency with which you eat protein from plant sources ( and slightly decrease the amount of fatty animal proteins that you eat ) .
6 That 's , that was all the experience I had which you say experience of life .
7 However , such letters receive no special security handling , and we do not therefore recommend these services when sending any letters for which you want cover for compensation .
8 In particular , Chandra Talpade Mohanty 's essay seems odd , devoted as it is to a detailed comparison of essays from as long ago as 1981 and 1984 , in which she takes issue with Robin Morgan 's universalist feminism .
9 The choice in this way contributes to the VOICE in which we write ( " writing voice " here alludes to the notion of speaking voice , in which we express attitude by intonation , tempo and other means ) .
10 This describes the forms in which we observe mathematics in calculations , proofs and standard methods .
11 I do not accept that , but we should look more carefully at the way in which we spend money on tobacco .
12 These are , we are saying here things that we rejoice to say and which we give glory to God .
13 I mention especially the way in which we distributed aid in South Africa through the ambassadorial fund .
14 One of the few occasions I ever saw him and the only one in which we sat face to face .
15 Mirror in which we see image of God
16 The participants also adopted a statement addressed to the politicians and citizens of Europe in which they demanded protection for Romanies against attacks from racist groups .
17 However , while the advisory team 's views had the undoubted consequence of making many Leeds primary classrooms seem busier and more attractive , the beneficial consequences for children 's learning were less clear ; and for some teachers , the claim of ‘ flexibility ’ had exactly the opposite effect , strait-jacketing them into practices to which they had no real commitment and which they had difficulty in managing .
18 In a contract of sale dated 11 December 1750 , in which he sold land in La Couture to Jean Plisson , he is described as a maker of musical instruments ( Arch .
19 When he died Stark 's career was on the brink of still greater success , his posthumously published report on the plans for Edinburgh 's Calton area , in which he advocated attention to contours rather than the imposition of grid plans , having a profound effect on Edinburgh 's town planning .
20 Ealhfrith must have been about 20 years old at the time of the battle of the Winwaed , after which he became king of Deira , taking over the former territory of his cousin , Oethelwald .
21 Nevertheless , when the occasion demanded it ( as it did during the turbulent period in which he became Vice-Chancellor of Bristol University ) , he showed great courage and firmness — the latter always in the nicest possible way .
22 June 26 : statement deploring a speech by Romanian Foreign Minister Adrian Nastase in which he made reference to Romania 's loss of the southern Dobrudja to Bulgaria in 1940 [ see p. 4207 ] .
23 In 1365 Edward III granted John of Appleby an annuity of 20 marks for good service ‘ and in recompense , of the loss which he sustains year by year by the King 's deer in respect of his land in Bernwood Forest , then lying uncultivated on account of the said deer ’ .
24 But the lifts of the pen came regularly at every fourth letter — Middlemass had never found a forger who remembered to vary the interval at which he lifted pen from paper — and the dot above the i , high and slightly to the left , and the over-emphatic apostrophe were almost a trade-mark .
25 He did it in style , preparing the ground by a speech to the Legislative Assembly in which he paid tribute to Gandhi 's sincerity and asked him to recognize his own .
26 There had been times when Cadfael had both departed and returned by night , without passing the gatehouse , on urgent matters in which he found justification for absence .
27 He ‘ painted incomparably ’ a large Bible , for which he obtained vellum from Ireland .
28 The Olympians had slightly further to swim , and while the juniors were allowed to crawl Moorhouse was made to swim the breast stroke at which he won gold at Seoul 5 years ago .
29 Answers to these and other questions should allow us to develop a more accurate picture of the impact of tax on people 's earnings and hence the extent to which it redistributes income within Britain .
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