Example sentences of "which [pron] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Again , on 5 June 1286 , Edward performed homage to Philip IV of France , using the words : ‘ I become your man for the lands which I hold from you on this side of the sea according to the form of peace made between our ancestors ’ .
2 She has been trying to stake a claim which I vow to you on my honour she has never had a right to .
3 The grand tour which I wrote to you about has been postponed until we can all come to Johannesburg for discussions . ’
4 These letters are the letters of a wonderful poet and that truth shines steady through the very shining and alternating feelings with which I look at them in so far as they concern me , that is in so far as they are mine .
5 Sturt was about to proceed upon a new expedition into the interior of Australia I beg to send for your perusal a Letter I have lately received from him and from which you will perceive that he has written to Lord Stanley ; as I know no one better fitted for such a purpose than this enterprising and persevering Gentleman I do hope the Government may be disposed to second his views ; perhaps , your Lordship , could obtain and favour me with some information on the subject ; from the manner in which you referred to him in your Letter I am led to believe that some arrangement has already been made ; pray say if such be the case .
6 There are cases where , from an economic point of view , the marriage valuables represent the purchase of a husband by the bride rather than vice versa , and the general European pattern , which is met with in many other parts of the world , is for the principal payment to be the bride 's " dowry " , a set of assets which she brings with her into the marriage as a part of her inheritance from her own kin .
7 The Joker is a very intelligent horse and knows his ‘ covering bridle ’ which we use on him for his studwork , or his ordinary bridle when he is ridden , and behaves accordingly .
8 ‘ If intercourse under the circumstances now in question constitute an assault on the part of the man , it must constitute rape , unless indeed , as between married persons rape is impossible , a proposition to which I certainly am not prepared to assent , and for which there seems to me to he no sufficient authority …
9 Cuthbertson became noted for his glass-plate frictional electrical machines ; a technology which he took with him from London but which he developed to a high state of perfection in Holland .
10 Indeed it was to escape this commotion of the house that young Tennyson sought sanctuary and solitude in the surrounding countryside , where he could be at peace with all he beheld and find the inspiration for his poetic thoughts which he conveyed to us by his pen .
11 When he had had his lunch , which he brought with him in the suitcase , a packet of salami sandwiches , a croissant with jam in it and a fruit-and-nut bar , he set off for West End Lane , to the Electricity Board and the Gas Board , to make inquiries about a chimney sweep , and put an advertisement for tenants in a newsagent 's window .
12 But the others evidently had not , or Rufus had not , walking jauntily and with swinging stride across the tarmac , his stethoscope bobbing up and down , letting himself into the main hospital block , Shiva later saw , by a door marked ‘ Private ’ , which he slammed behind him with a fine disregard for the notices exhorting all to silence .
13 It was full of pieces of paper , which he dropped behind him for the other boys to follow .
14 This is another of Nic Picot 's tricks which he tried on me in the pub outside the Magic Circle .
15 God had to do something on the cross , in Christ , in order that his love which he has for us as sinners might become forgiveness for us in reality .
16 Eliot produced a single page of notes from his pocket which he placed before him on the small table and brooded over for a while ; but when he started , he managed to pack in , during 45 minutes or so , a great deal of sound sense on the subject of drama and especially on the relation of drama to religion .
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