Example sentences of "which [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 MK Trafford Holdings failed in a takeover bid for Manchester United , which failed to float on the stock market as well as the pitch .
2 although through speculating about the role of the unobservable ‘ anticipated reactions ’ of one actor to another or considering the values and interests which failed to emerge in the policy making process , it may entertain the possibility of hidden power processes its main weakness may be that it is a description rather than an analysis of power relationships .
3 Extracting this sort of consolation prize from the Bourbon candidate was the first stage of Britain 's advance into the Mediterranean , which in the nineteenth century was followed by a series of acquisitions which led to control of the route to the east .
4 This may be true , and many advertisers of these categories of goods — which tend to account for the majority of advertisements appearing on TV and in major national newspapers and magazines — behave as if they believe it .
5 Unlike conventional football books , which tend to skim across the surface of disappointment in chapters entitled ‘ The Lean Years ’ , Hampden Babylon finds a certain self-mocking delight in disappointment .
6 In August the Young Republicans set up a front organisation , the People 's Action League , which planned to campaign on the issue of high-rise flats , and picketed the Guildhall , calling for an extension of the city boundary and , on another occasion , at the siting of a new Michelin factory at Ballymena in County Antrim instead of Derry .
7 Two of them do reach results which appear to conflict with the wording , and for which no good reason can be found other than the one they give themselves : that this was the testator 's intention .
8 The risks are thought to be very small : ( 1 ) because the balance of the natural environment is primarily controlled by the species already present which appear to operate to the detriment of new introductions ; and ( 2 ) because in new releases of microorganisms to date , all very closely monitored , there has been no evidence of any of them getting out of control or adversely affecting the environment .
9 If we are outside , we shall not enjoy the advantages of a single currency or have the investment in this country of those companies — our own and overseas firms — which want to invest in the core of Europe and enjoy full access to all that goes on in Europe .
10 One of the most obvious ways of telling a story which has to arise from the fact of a mysterious murder is to have your reader watch your detective conducting interviews with each of the suspects in turn .
11 This aspect has a bearing on two further components , social cohesion , which has to do with the sense of community and national identity , and what Heater has called civic virtue .
12 The impression given is of some sticky , viscous , unpleasant material which has to do with the satisfaction of obscure and uncontrollable personal needs .
13 The fully battened mainsail is loose-footed and stands a bold roach which has to brush past the backstay during a tack .
14 Opponents in Parliament , which has to vote on the measure , vowed to fight it tooth and nail .
15 Their research is published by Approach ( Association to Protect All Children ) , which wants to extend to the home the ban in schools on physical punishment .
16 The hoarse words were intended to come out as a joke , but instead they held a raw note of emotion which seemed to hang in the air between them .
17 Ajayi smiled and nodded , perhaps at the man , perhaps at the thin , wavering line of squares which seemed to hang in the air over the small circular table .
18 They arrived at the bottom of a winding cliff path which seemed to lead to the fortress and the forest on the land above to the open land where a strange , timeless battle was being fought beneath the dusk sky .
19 Closer to his eye was a reflection of the kitchen , which seemed to hover in the darkness , a silent capsule , a moment from a time warp .
20 The initial interest of political researchers into the question of what to do with the regions came about , it must be said , not out of concern for neglected political interests in the periphery ( what Tarrow refers to as ‘ regionalism as peripheral defence ’ ) but because of a trend thought to have been observed in modern politics which seemed to go to the heart of the functioning of modern political systems .
21 One quite serious limitation in the original selection of these authorities lay in the criterion for selection which seemed to rest in the main on those authorities whose drama advisers happened to be currently in favour with H.M.I .
22 The first two nights passed uneventfully , but on the third night , Ted heard the sound of heavy breathing which seemed to come from the armchair .
23 Now he heard a low whistling sound which seemed to come from the rear of the box .
24 The inclusions were cytoplasmic , eccentric to and sometimes partly surrounding the nucleus , and were composed of finely granular pale material which seemed to retract from the cell membrane , leaving a partial clear zone between membrane and inclusion .
25 The Thai government has ordered the border to be closed but Thai logging companies , which stand to lose by the ban , are arguing for a delay in its implementation and have intensified logging in recent weeks .
26 Last year the event raised more than £6,000 and this year other local charities which stand to benefit from the run are the Sefton Resource Centre for the Physically and Mentally Handicapped and Great Crosby RC Primary School .
27 The aim is to invest in Chinese stocks and shares which stand to benefit from the upsurge in economic growth which China is experiencing .
28 It was suggested in the last chapter that analysis which tends to deal with the nature of modernity itself is always in danger of leading to assumptions concerning the superiority of certain ‘ advanced ’ peoples over others , which are in effect a version of primitivism .
29 Immediately after discharge from hospital most patients have a recurrence of the anxiety which is a prominent feature of the early days after the attack and which tends to lessen towards the end of the hospital stay .
30 Language in its significant sense is that vocal gesture which tends to arouse in the individual the attitude which it arouses in others , and it is this perfecting of the self by the gesture which mediates the social activities that gives rise to the process of taking the role of the other .
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