Example sentences of "which [verb] [adv] been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The result was that they received both a big two-year increase and a pay review body which has since been responsible for a further substantial increase in their salaries .
2 The strengthening of this centralist trend , which has also been evident in other aspects of state schooling , is seen to culminate in the government 's consultation paper The National Curriculum 5–16 ( DES/Welsh Office , 1987 ) whose proposals were incorporated in a largely unchanged form in Chapter 1 of the 1987 Education Reform Bill .
3 Organisations such as the British Mountaineering Council see this as the thin end of the wedge where payment will be demanded for access to land which has previously been open to the public .
4 Ownership has sometimes been transferred into local hands ( private or state ) while the original owners have continued as managers on a financial basis which has frequently been unrelated to their performance .
5 The coalition includes members of the Social Democratic Party , which has traditionally been opposed to the nuclear option .
6 Official Soviet anti-semitism , which has undoubtedly been observable since the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948 , must be measured against the rise of popular anti-semitism since political mobilisation ( including that of reactionaries ) became permitted again , not to mention the massacre of Jews on a considerable scale by local elements in the Baltic states and Ukraine , as the Germans marched in but before the systematic German killing of Jews began .
7 It is in the nature of a goal oriented specialty to take on new tasks , which has often been necessary in the past .
8 We are looking at several opportunities and will benefit from our involvement with the quarrying side of Wimpey Minerals which has always been involved in marketing its products on a free-market basis , ’ says John Chance .
9 Unfortunately , we were unable to contribute to a resolution of these problems without moving away from the non-participant minority shareholding which has always been central to our involvement in Bank of Edinburgh . ’
10 Since 1980 , the economy , which has always been dependent on exports of a small range of agricultural products , especially coffee , has become highly dependent on US aid .
11 As a result of investigating unsolved problems in biology , including how a seed or egg can contain the essence which grows into the new individual member of the same species , he postulated ( something which has long been familiar to those with a spiritual or esoteric background ) the existence of what must , by implication , be a non-physical mould or pattern , what he calls a ‘ morphogenetic field ’ , which survives the death of the physical form , and which shapes the individual tree , animal and flower of each species , just as the individual field around a magnet can create a pattern in a scatter of iron filings .
12 It is widely assumed that ‘ real ’ country people are in favour of development as a source of new jobs and housing while the rich commuter is only concerned to protect his equity and a style of living which has never been available to the locals .
13 This will help us to get beyond the phase of advocacy of " tolerance " which has never been adequate on its own .
14 It was difficult to redirect rapidly the thinking of the Department of Industry , which had traditionally been interested in regional , not urban , policy .
15 Relations with the USA which had generally been amicable under the Bhutto government , underwent a serious crisis in October 1990 following the suspension of aid worth around US$570 million on grounds that Pakistan was engaged in a nuclear weapons programme [ see p. 37764 ] .
16 By the mid-1950s only two other appliances had reached majority owner ship : vacuum cleaners ( which had already been well-established in the 1930s ) and televisions ( which , though new , proved the most rapid growth area , approaching 50 per cent ownership levels among consumers by 1957 ) .
17 Areas which had previously been central to the stealing networks were affected .
18 He had recently taken over this region , which had previously been subject to the Ptolemies in Egypt .
19 From a therapeutic aspect , penicillin was marvellous because it cured many dangerous bacterial infections , but it was tiresome because it was inactive by mouth ( it was destroyed by the acidity of the stomach contents ) , it acted for a very short time ( it was rapidly excreted by the kidneys ) and so was of little value unless given by injection at intervals of not longer than 3 hours , and because , after a time , the normal processes of evolution led to the appearance of resistant strains of the microbes which had previously been sensitive to penicillin .
20 It surfaced , for example , in the suggestion that museums and art galleries , which had previously been open to the public free of charge , should begin to charge for admission .
21 The military authorities in Baku moved against the Azerbaijan Popular Front on Jan. 24 , arresting 43 leading members and raiding the offices of the National Defence Council , a radical group allied to the Front which had allegedly been responsible for co-ordinating arms supplies to Azerbaijani militants .
22 By the 1890s , however , it seems that the wave of public-school interest in clubs had passed , and there developed ‘ an intensification of the snobbery which had always been latent in them , and of the mere athleticism which caricatured the mens sana in corpore sano tag ’ .
23 Although , ultimately , she accepted the need for pattern books , production schedules , yearly reviews by committee and other organizational disciplines , she disliked intensely the way these formalities intruded into her own sphere of influence and destroyed the spontaneity of her collection , which had always been one of her greatest strengths .
24 Since the 1916 Rising in Dublin , the organization , which had always been prone to spies and informants , had grown very security conscious .
25 Here again Suger was reasserting royal supremacy in a world which had long been deaf to such claims .
26 The inspiration for the experiment was the German Jugendherbergen accommodation which had long been popular with English trampers and cyclists .
27 In 805 Charles chose one chieftain to reign as his vassal king , and bestowed upon him the ancient title of Chagan , which had originally been that of the independent High King of the Avars .
28 The class of people for whom this may have been of paramount importance was not the traditional aristocracy which had never been involved in work , having merely inherited their estates , but those termed the nouveaux riches , the use of which term implies a much more direct involvement in the work process as the basis for capital accumulation .
29 Practices of keeping donor insemination secret from all others , and of keeping the child in ignorance of his/her means of conception which have traditionally been implicit in the provision of donor insemination are now in a state of flux .
30 Little is said about workers ' consciousness ( awareness and interpretation of their situation ) , or the social and political impulses towards joining the labour movement which have undoubtedly been important in Western Europe .
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