Example sentences of "which [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Those studies which concentrate on movement between firms necessarily ignore many important aspects of career changes , and the factors which contribute towards high relative earnings of individuals .
2 MERZ CONTEMPORARY ART Artists against Apartheid — shows work that reflects a ‘ humanitarian impulse ’ and includes the paintings of Jock McFadyen , which concentrate on deprivation in London 's East End .
3 Instead , BT is set to fill our TV screens with Mel Smith as ‘ Inspector Morose ’ , persuading us to buy the third lot of BT shares , which goes on sale in July .
4 THIS is the Mondeo , Ford 's new Belgian-built replacement for the Sierra which goes on sale in March .
5 The new Bill , which goes before Parliament on November 16 , says unions will also have to give written notice to employers of every worker who will be called on to take industrial action .
6 The extent to which covenants in restraint of trade can be justified on the grounds of protection of business secrets is discussed in general terms in Part I and in relation to specific types of contracts in Parts III to VI .
7 At Magdalen Bridge , Dennis went ashore for more champagne , which passed from hand to hand as we negotiated the lower reaches of the river .
8 Mr Maxwell said that his alterations — which he would make for publication in his newspapers — were to substitute the term ombudsman for readers ' representatives and to widen the clause in the code of practice which refers to non-payment of criminals to include those benefiting from a criminal act .
9 Staphenandra tanakae has lovely long arching sprays of mid-green leaves , which change to yellow in autumn , after panicles of white flowers in early summer make this a plant of considerable value .
10 They repay your interest and capital together , in monthly instalments which change from time to time , as our interest rates change .
11 Decisive battles , the death of kings in battle or the life imprisonment of great men were rare events ; and against the very exceptional , decisive outcome of the battles of 1066 and 1106 we must set the endless , indecisive campaigns of William I and Henry I on the borders of their French domains ; the indecisive warfare of Stephen 's reign which led to anarchy in England .
12 Now you get the health problems caused by over tight corseting , which led to constriction of lungs , of ribs , in some cases , punctured lungs , a lot of cases of T B in the eighteen forties were in fact where the corset had compressed the ribs so tightly , that they 'd actually punctured the lung .
13 ‘ We keep a welcome for all , ’ said Francie in his voice which creaked through lack of use .
14 An All-Russian Peasants ' Union was formed and at its first congress , which met in secret in July , it demanded the abolition of private property in land and the convening of a constituent assembly .
15 Formally , however , most policy and resources committees are politically representative which coupled with access by press and public — often prevents frank discussion by controlling group members of planning , prioritization , and co-ordination in politically sensitive fields .
16 The first set of amendments , which entered into force on Oct. 22 , 1989 , covered the provision of leak-detection systems or closed-circuit television to warn the crew if cargo doors had been left open .
17 The second set of amendments , which entered into force on April 29 , 1990 , stated that all cargo doors had to be closed and locked before or immediately after the vessel left its berth , and that ships ' masters had to check trim and stability before departure .
18 Under regulations which entered into force on Nov. 13 , the Protestant , Jewish and Moslem faiths were granted equal status with Roman Catholicism in every respect including religious instruction in schools , church marriages and tax rights and benefits .
19 [ See p. 36714 for EC-GCC co-operation agreement signed in June 1988 , which entered into force on Jan. 1 , 1990 . ]
20 The treaty which entered into force in June 1988 was the most far-reaching arms agreement to date .
21 A new Constitution which entered into effect on Oct. 6 , 1988 , scheduled direct presidential elections and confirmed a five-year presidential term .
22 The firm had developed novel parallel processing software which worked like a ‘ worm ’ , spawning segments which moved from processor to processor .
23 Six thousand visitors made their way to the Business Design Centre in Islington , London to see the exhibits , which ranged from tableware to floorcoverings , fashion to fabrics .
24 During one of his many civil disobedience campaigns , which ranged from non-payment of taxes to blocking border posts into the US , he led a hunger strike in protest at alleged vote rigging in the presidential race .
25 This in turn made it possible to consider changes in language behaviour which occurred during childhood as products of the same mechanisms which had been documented in respect of other kinds of behaviour ; verbal behaviour was to be understood in terms of the same learning principles which had been derived from studies of the behaviour of rats , pigeons and monkeys .
26 We may never be certain , but it seems most likely that the Odonata were part of a cargo in a trans-stellar vessel which crashed on Earth by accident .
27 The reason this one survived is because it travelled on the tour bus and not on the chartered plane , which crashed after take-off from Mason City airport in Iowa , while taking Holly , the Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens to a gig in Moorhead , Minnesota .
28 ( 1 ) Sections 45 to 50 of the Local Government ( Scotland ) Act 1973 ( which provide for payment of allowances to members of local authorities and other bodies ) shall apply with any necessary modifications to members of licensing boards as if the licensing boards were local authorities .
29 Section 6(1) of the UCTA gives rise to particular problems in the area of infringement of third party intellectual property rights , and in relation to clauses which attempt to exclude by blanket wording all warranties implied by the SGA , or which provide for exclusion of liability generally ( such as those excluding liability for economic loss or capping total liability under the contract by reference to a monetary amount ) .
30 If , despite the implementation of all reasonably available measures , including the introduction of a motor vehicle inspection and maintenance programme , a state could not attain primary standards for carbon monoxide and photochemical oxidants by 1982 , it had to submit a second SIP which provided for attainment by December 1987 .
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