Example sentences of "as he [vb past] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had half expected a divine pre-emptive strike , a thunderbolt maybe , as he queued for the body and blood .
2 She watched him as he queued at the counter .
3 Once again he was aware of Emily 's gaze as he marvelled at the confusion .
4 And as he passed along the line , the men near him cried , ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’ afresh , and their comrades in the distance did the same .
5 ‘ Georgina , ’ the Dean shouted as he passed through the hall .
6 They crossed over quietly enough , Athelstan smiling as he passed through the gateway at the far end on to Fish Street Hill .
7 He said how he had noticed the barometer as he passed through the sitting-room on his way to the kitchen where the meters were .
8 As he passed through the doorway , he heard his bus go grinding by the church and away up the hill .
9 As he passed through the light spilling into the inn-yard from one of the windows , a voice from a deep , shadowed doorway called , ‘ Hello , Seb .
10 Bragg asked as he passed over the lens .
11 Father Kipling stooped and said a few words to them as he passed into the sacristy to vest , and they turned round and looked at Clare .
12 As he passed by the city 's Queen 's Bridge a bullet ricocheted off a nearby wall as the Scottish internationalist dived for cover .
13 As he disrobed in the vestry , Quentin paused more than once , glancing at the closed door , as though expecting the boy to appear with his smile .
14 His arms and legs flew wide as he cartwheeled over the hood and fell in a motionless heap in the dusty road behind them .
15 As he observed in the report , if the Allies could ‘ plan for a better peace even while waging war , they will win together two victories which in truth are indivisible ’ .
16 The thunder of it drowned his voice as he yelled at the rodman up in the bows to hold the jib clear of the stays .
17 He smiled as he advanced across the room .
18 There was frost on his hair , on the fur of his hood , but soon , as he hacked at the tree , his skin began to glow and a fine , warm moisture gleamed on his face .
19 As he lived in the city , Mr Coary drove me up to the Noones ’ for my bag and then took me all the way back to O'Brien 's Hotel in Dublin , where I had stayed long before .
20 Atef Bseisou , the director of external security for the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) , was killed as he returned to the Hotel Meridien in Montparnasse , Paris , in the early hours of June 8 .
21 The colour of his neck faded as he returned to the table with the drinks .
22 Lord John smiled winningly as he returned to the table .
23 Mariana looked up as he returned to the living-room .
24 He became a little anxious , and , as he returned across the field with Cowslip , did his best to explain something of Fiver 's peculiar temperament .
25 She glanced up at Doyle as he returned behind the bar .
26 It was a momentary gesture , missed by Tim as he brushed past the end of the couch on her other side and went to an armchair .
27 He breathed the name against her cheek , just as he had on the night of the party .
28 He looked exactly as he had on the day of their last meeting , the day of his departure to the United States : calm yet concerned , sensitive yet restrained , the perfect model of the thinking politician .
29 Hazel ; looking at them , felt almost as insecure as he had on the river bank .
30 But he had given patient thought to the matter , just as he had to the rest of the alien anatomy ; and he had ventured on what I can only call an abstraction of the human face .
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