Example sentences of "as he [vb past] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The upshot was that Bishop had a superb match as he sought to keep the game alive by constructively cautioning and chivvying the players to stay within the bounds of the permissible .
2 Media coverage of the Berlin rally was coloured by an incident involving anarchist Autonomen demonstrators , who threw eggs at von Weizsäcker as he sought to address the crowd .
3 But this was not good enough for French as he had to consider the Wallaby players who had a fixture 24 hours later against Eastern Province and the test with the Springboks four days later .
4 Corbett dismounted slowly , ordering Ranulf to look after the horses as he went to meet the chamberlain , who had come out to greet him .
5 Ceauşescu was amused by this story , particularly by his own interpreter 's stuttering as he came to translate the punchline .
6 Scott nodded , watching as Hitch scuttled across the road and disappeared out of sight as he began to descend the embankment steps towards the pier .
7 As he began to take the cork out of a second bottle of wine , she said , ‘ Look … ’
8 his head was pounding and he vaguely wondered what time it was and as he began to unlock the door he wondered what had brought Patrick back .
9 TV film showed President von Weizsaecker being protected by police carrying riots shields as he began to address the rally of 300,000 people .
10 Now as he began to understand the story in its full horror , his face was like an old man 's .
11 Charlie remained cautious as he began to study the layout of the little church .
12 His breath was grunting in her ear as he stooped to find the edge of the tape , and she could smell the sweat and youth of his body as he worked .
13 The rain struck him across the face like a whiplash as he fought to keep the bike upright and driving for the protection of the leeward bank .
14 As he made to leave the chamber , Deems said , ‘ If you perceive that the Emperor does not trust you , why continue faithful ? ’
15 Like some great vessel swinging at anchor , Crossman 's argument had come round half circle , as he failed to resist the seduction of the alternative , opposite or incompatible theory .
16 ‘ Give us a hand , Chuck , ’ he panted to his companion , as he failed to tear the rope from Sheila 's grasp .
17 He could not have borne a mirror in the room with him now , for fear of what he might see ; in his heart he knew that it would be unrecognisable , as he failed to recognise the turmoil of his own feelings as having anything to do with the self he had always known .
18 Paul wriggled , and the look on his face seemed to indicate that he would n't actually mind wasting anything , just so long as he got to hit the bell with his plank of wood .
19 His voice was rough-edged as he reached to open the door , his hand brushing against her shoulder .
20 They circled above him menacingly , the female laughing as he struggled to regain the line of his flight .
21 She did not look up as he struggled to open the door and stepped inside , where he stood perfectly still , hardly daring to breathe for fear of dropping his awkwardly held gift .
22 Yanto looked to neither right nor left as he struggled to keep the bike in the centre of the narrow lane .
23 The journey in Howard 's car forcibly reminded him of that limitation , however , as he struggled to get the thing going over thirty miles per hour .
24 ‘ I 'm being very upfront about it , it 's finally time , 20 years later , ’ he told a writer as he prepared to record the album this time last year .
25 Hārkini and Lāla Bahādur were lolling happily against Sigarup 's knees , chattering incoherently as he started to unpack the basket .
26 She realized as he started to load the projector that he probably did n't have many people to talk to .
27 As soon as he started to tear the paper off I had a wild desire to snatch it back , rush out and buy him a record-player ; it seemed such a ludicrously inadequate present after all he 'd done for me .
28 You — ’ His voice disappeared , and I had to put the phone away from my ear again as he started to hammer the handset against the walls of the call-box .
29 Making an awkward little gesture towards the cupboard under the sink , she stepped back hastily as he bent to collect the dustpan and brush .
30 Firelight danced over the powerful musculature of his body as he bent to retrieve the box .
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