Example sentences of "as he [verb] out into [art] " in BNC.

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1 He said , ‘ Well done ’ , as he went out into the street .
2 Penry put out a hand , then dropped it , and with a strangled curse turned away to stride off over the cobbles of the arcade , an arresting figure in the autumn sunlight as he went out into the street without a backward glance for the girl watching him go .
3 As soon as he stepped out into the fluorescent-lit corridor , he was met by an official who hurried him into a briefing room .
4 Doyle shook his head angrily as he stepped out into the night and buttoned up his jacket .
5 It is easy to see how the plot of We Did n't Mean To Go To Sea hatched , as he looked out into the distance and remembered a time when as a young man his anchor had dragged , and he had found himself sailing out to sea at night .
6 As he strode out into the darkness , the gloom and chill of the evening only served to sharpen his anticipation , so that he had no eyes for the RIC men on patrol , the few pedestrians hurrying along , or the horse and cart just moving off beside him on the road , the barely discernible name JAS SULLIVAN painted on the cart 's side and a burly figure with a flattened nose and scarred face hunched on the driver 's seat , desultorily twitching the reins .
7 As he walked out into the silent white world Michael was glad of the freezing cold that seemed to cut down into his lungs .
8 Wind whipped at Duvall 's hair and the lapels of his greatcoat as he squinted out into the rain-slashed darkness , trying to see what in hell had happened .
9 ‘ Hello … what in … ? ’ but the words died on his lips as he drew out into the full brilliance of the moon something that shone with the colour of the moon itself , a circlet of gold on which stood a row of triangular shapes from each of which flashed a pebble , some green , some blue , some red the colour of rubies .
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