Example sentences of "as he [verb] [adv prt] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He began to recite a litany of his own successes to himself as he passed down the quiet , thickly carpeted corridors to the executive lift that went up to the eighteenth floor : a new apartment in the smart suburb of Beauséjour ; a smaller apartment in Montparnasse , with a most accommodating young mistress ; two cars , one the largest and latest registration Citroën Familiale ; a generous expense account , which was not queried too closely — he hoped was not queried too closely .
2 Once Tam darted a terrified glance over his shoulder and saw Kim sprawled across the writing-table ; white faced and trembling from head to toe , he had his eyes closed and his fists were clenched tight as he summoned up every last ounce of courage in his eleven-year-old body to endure his father 's beating without weeping or crying out .
3 Over the wall , Frear had come in and was talking to one of the waiters as he wiped down the outside tables .
4 Barbados had witnessed a rather different Hanif a year earlier as he took out a 16-hour 10-minute lease on the crease and sculpted a monumental 337 against Worrell and Co .
5 ‘ Hello Son , ’ said Bert fondly , as he took out the inevitable packet of Woodbines and offered one to Yanto .
6 What was odd , thought Twoflower as he strolled down a wide flight of stairs and kicked up billowing clouds of silver dust motes , was that the tunnels here were much wider .
7 Newry were without the services of Erroll Lutton as he sweats out a three match suspension , but the return of Stephen Garvey and the addition of Ritchie Nummy to Newry 's back line-up certainly seemed to work well .
8 Thinking of the crystal spaces , the lines of Kubla Khan unfolded naturally before him as he dawdled up the long terrace of decaying houses .
9 HAMILTON PARK has always been one of Jack Berry 's happiest hunting grounds , and the Cockerham-based trainer was in his customary bubbly mood as he brought off a 15-1 double yesterday at the track 's final meeting of 1992 .
10 The gunman looked around him wildly and the crowd parted as he darted up a narrow alleyway .
11 Moran looked stern and self-conscious as he drove up the short avenue .
12 But Black , of Durranhill Road , Carlisle , was stopped again by police after his release as he drove along a narrow country lane .
13 She could hear Penry moving about upstairs as he made up the other bed .
14 A SCHOOLBOY was robbed of his mountain bike as he pedalled down the hard shoulder of a motorway to get help after his dad 's car broke down .
15 As he hung about the Red Anchor he noticed for the first time that its character was changing .
16 As he strode down the 18th in the morning alongside Parry , the pair looking like the leaders of the Lilliput Open , he appeared every inch of his 64 ( to Parry 's 66 ) a champion .
17 He 's extremely cheerful , if somewhat misguided , as he points out the many features of the room , and mentions that the public rooms in the Cottage will be opened at seven o'clock .
18 Resigning herself to the inevitable , she walked quietly alongside him as he kept up a running commentary on all they passed or saw .
19 As he rode down the narrow goat-trails of the Khyber Pass , Battuta would have known that the Delhi Sultanate was violent frontier country , constantly in a state of war with the pagan Mongols to the north and the infidel Hindus to the south .
20 She heard the slap-slap of his brush as he filled in a large area of sky .
21 ‘ More bloody stale bread and cheese , ’ said Tommy morosely , but Charlie was far too hungry to complain as he scooped up every last crumb with a wet finger .
22 He knew that the archer would have to load and winch his bow , so he rose and ran with all his force , clearing the trees , almost breathless as he stumbled up the muddy causeway leading to the main abbey gate .
23 ‘ Well , at least it was positive , ’ he said ruefully as he put up a blunt-fingered hand to touch his cheek .
24 The Rev John Boocock said he was looking forward to acting the David Dimbleby role as he gives up the regular ‘ sermon slot ’ for a full interview in which he will try and investigate the relationship between the church and education .
25 He opened the throttle as he turned left into Station Road The burble of the exhaust turned to a bellow as he raced down the long gentle slope towards Newtown .
26 Mark Todd often appears to be quite casual as he clocks up a fastest time of the day .
27 The top riders never appear to be hurrying — in fact Mark Todd often appears to be quite casual as he clocks up the fastest time of the day .
28 ‘ What in the world … ? ’ began Rose , feeling quite bewildered as he let out an amused laugh .
29 I walked to him and , as he pulled down the lower part of the head-wrap from across his mouth , he introduced himself as Idris .
30 ‘ You can leave after lunch , ’ he said flatly , and then paused , frowning as he pulled out a vast painting of Rachel lying on a blazing sunlit beach , her slender body clad in a brief white bikini , her face young and lovely .
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