Example sentences of "as you [modal v] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 For a full price issue there are quite serious distractions , although the recording generally is as warm and transparent as you would expect in the Concertgebouw 's famous acoustic .
2 As you shall see in the next section , the predominance of hydrogen in Jupiter means that it does not have to have high interior temperatures to be liquid .
3 That 's what holidays were for — looking at your toes , wandering on the beach , hours of sitting and staring , standing and staring , lying as long as you could bear in the sun with eyes closed .
4 Cos when the well as soon as you could walk in the summer er you know when weather permitting my mam 'd take us down on the beach there and , Here you are , sink or swim in you 'd go into the water .
5 All entries showed imagination and , more to the point , a keen enjoyment in the task of cramming in as many obscure and erudite words as you could find in the dictionary .
6 Summary measures of inequality , such as quantile shares or Gini coefficients , are not available in enough countries , as you can verify in the WORLD dataset .
7 Even an old school desk was transformed into a thing of beauty — as you can see in the picture on the right .
8 However , as you can see in the photograph below the results are very handsome and a good example of the classic cable pattern taken a step further .
9 The technique is easy , as you can see in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture .
10 Different types of gall are produced by each insect-plant pair , as you can see in the drawings on the following pages .
11 Er as you can imagine in the circumstances of the civil war the government , the federal government , was much vexed about the question of spies and fifth columnists and people er in the , in the northern states er engaged in sabotage and collecting espionage of , of various kinds so er Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus .
12 and depending on whether they ca n't have an odd or even amount forty eight to the Drove which is as far as , if you work at , that 's as far as you can get in the morning and get off and walk through .
13 As you will discover in the remaining chapters , problems remain about specifying the actual functions of these modules , their degree of functional independence , and the consequences of functional independence for the integration of behaviour and consciousness .
14 There is the blood factor , too , which can also provide a major benefit , as you will learn in the next chapter .
15 As you will see in the final reading from Gowie Corby Plays Chicken nobody w ill put up with Gowie 's cruel jokes for ever and it 's not long before people 's patience with him runs out .
16 As you will see in the following chapters , a British Open-winning caddie will not only have his yardages at his fingertips , but will also have gone out at the crack of dawn measuring up again before each round after studying where all the pin positions are .
17 However , there are several other designs that can make very attractive pictures , as you will see in the rest of the book .
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