Example sentences of "as it be [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The nearest naked-eye star to the pole is Sigma Octantis , but as it is below the fifth magnitude it will be hidden by mist or moonlight .
2 My ambition now is to move into film and music with Hysteria — which promises to be as big a success as Zabat — centred as it is on the passionate potential of Blackwomen 's Creativity ! ’
3 ‘ I once went to Japan to advise on a course , ’ he continued , ‘ and they wanted this bunker reproduced exactly as it is on the Old Course . ’
4 What needs to be stressed at this juncture is the fact that this historical moment , the focus of attention in this book , centred as it is on the literary production of an interwar French communist writer , marks only the first phase of development of French socialist realism , a phase characterised in the international sphere by an objective alliance after 1934 between Western liberalism and Soviet communism designed to counter the threat of fascism , and characterised in the French national context by practical collaboration between the PCF and bourgeois liberal parties .
5 It was then widely believed that the universe was static , yet if space , and particularly time , were curved back on themselves , how could the universe continue forever in more or less the same state as it is at the present time ?
6 It is with such men as it is with the English landscape seen at its best as I did this morning : when one encounters them , one simply knows one is in the presence of greatness .
7 The bare infinitive expresses a possibility which was not realized in this use and is therefore conceived in the same way as it is with the modal auxiliaries , as a mere potential , except for the fact that no particular form of potentiality is attributed to it .
8 And one of the most significant changes I wanted to make , and I think we have made was that the , the letting of contracts and the vetting of contracts and so on would be done by our Q Ss , in the same way as it is for the civil work
9 Unemployment is a tragedy for the unemployed in Britain , just as it is for the greater number of unemployed in France and the United States .
10 What is common to all of them and to others , as it is to the first two sorts of " if " statements , is that none states the kind of connection of one thing with another which is expressed by any dependent conditional .
11 but now we can acknowledge that the advance in South Africa 's cricket prospects is as much in their debt as it is to the current leaders who have united South African cricket and allowed it , for the first time in two centuries , to look forward to drawing on all the resources of the nation 's youth regardless of race , colour or creed .
12 However , despite its title , the article does not investigate the complexity of the issue , limited as it is to the historical aspects of textuality , such as spelling , punctuation and typography .
13 This interaction between the small and the large scales is a fundamental feature of the model , just as it is of the real atmosphere .
14 What should that placid little people know of the rattle and rush of an express train , typical as it is of the nerve-wasting haste with which we Westerners live our lives ?
15 There is considerable confusion about the black-and-white pied lowland cattle which have originated in the Netherlands , not helped by frequent name changes after export to other countries and the very misleading use of the name Holstein : there is no such place in the Netherlands , yet the latter is their country of origin , just as it is of the Friesian .
16 The real issue , therefore , is not so much concerned with this or that IQ score and the chances of raising it as it is about the ingenuous , and often disingenuous , attempts to quantify the inheritance : learning ratio .
17 This could be accomplished as well by a civil injunction freezing the moneys potentially subject to a civil judgment as it is by the elaborate statutory forfeiture mechanism .
18 We do know that , when gripped by a golfer , a club 's behaviour is different from the way it behaves when gripped by a clamp as it is in the standard manufacturers ' tests .
19 Lord Scarman has said of inner city riots that ‘ public disorder usually arises out of a sense of injustice , ( Scarman , 1986 : xiii ) , and as the Woolf report recognized , this is as true in prisons as it is in the inner city .
20 Mr Forsyth 's support for student loans has ensured little support for him on the campus but , that apart , the student vote seems to be as divided as it is in the wider constituency .
21 Other studies have shown that social class is as important a factor in the housing conditions of one parent families as it is in the two-parent families .
22 If we take the ‘ developing countries ’ as a group , compared with the ‘ more developed countries ’ , infant mortality ( in the first year ) is more than five times as high in the first group as it is in the second ; but during the years from one to four — that is , after weaning — the mortality rate in the developing countries is forty times as high as elsewhere : forty deaths for every thousand children surviving their first year , compared with one per thousand in the more developed areas ( Pate , 1965 ) .
23 A newspaper account of this incident makes fascinating reading , written as it is in the florid , expansive style of the day to extract every ounce of drama .
24 But their behaviour under this range of conditions and despite differing genetic origins , is essentially similar , as it is in the abundant free-living herds where only minimal management ( usually stallion selection ) is practised .
25 Instead of being largely obscured , as it is in the conventional process , the beautiful grain of the timber is highlighted to stunning effect .
26 The polarity of the phallic stage is not male-female , as it is in the later genital stage , at puberty .
27 Gentlemanly distaste for ‘ trade ’ is as out of place in sport as it is in the Conservative Party of Mrs Thatcher .
28 Kagan arrived in my office and proceeded to tell me a story , which I can now recount as it is in the public domain .
29 Nevertheless library and information promotion and orientation is relevant , and in fact this activity seems to be as common in this sector as it is in the educational sector ; something illustrated in a detailed survey by Sullivan of 1,437 UK special libraries .
30 Bonn is a handsome town but , far as it is from the historic centres of German power , it seems an odd choice for a capital , even allowing for the Allies ' post-war policy of de-centralisation .
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