Example sentences of "as it be [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To attribute this to the ageing process per se is as foolish as it is to describe physical disease as ‘ your age , my dear ’ .
2 And although Jesus himself remains to a significant degree elusive , it is as possible to deduce plausible information about him as it is to deduce such information about Arthur , or Robin Hood .
3 Some homoeopathic practitioners advise that patients should not drink coffee , or even tea , while under homoeopathic treatment , as it is considered that coffee in particular tends to inactivate the remedies .
4 The new President , the Premier , the two Deputy Premiers and the Defence Minister all held seats in the People 's Great Hural which they were required to give up , as it was stipulated that Cabinet post-holders could not concurrently serve as deputies to the assembly .
5 In the 1970s high domestic inflation rates encouraged governments to change the emphasis of economic policies towards money supply control , as it was believed excessive money creation had caused inflation .
6 Delightful as it was to meet pleasant company in such an unlikely place , I very badly wanted to exchange our fell citations on the other side of this rock .
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