Example sentences of "as it [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the first edition of the Fact File , we gave a detailed description of the system as it operated before these changes .
2 For example , the law of supply and demand , as it operated in nineteenth-century England , he argues , was not simply a matter of eternal logic , nor were such rights as that of private property self-evident truths , but rather they were the product of particular historical circumstances .
3 They may range from a brief mention of a thirteenth-century tithe barn near the manor house , to a fully detailed true-to-scale plan of a building as it existed in earlier times , but which is now changed .
4 For example , if money supply were £10 billion , and money as it passed from one person to another was spent on average eight times a year on national output , then total spending ( MV ) would be £80 billion a year .
5 ‘ Not as bad as it looked on first assessment .
6 The Galactic War continued , as it had for many generations .
7 Its sluggish habit was not a hindrance , though , for it could kill with a mere glance or whiff of its breath , as it fed on poisonous herbs whose odour was fatal to man .
8 Such an interpretation is not inconsistent with Katib Celebi 's brief account , particularly if it is remembered that by his time the Seyhulislam had long since been the Mufti of Istanbul and that he may therefore have concerned himself with trying to sketch the history of the office only in so far as it related to that city .
9 The second was a reaction to the concept of the EEC as a ‘ rich man 's club ’ , discriminating against its own poor through the CAP and through its VAT rates , just as it discriminated against poorer countries elsewhere in the world .
10 The car protested as it settled into muddy pools , heaved itself out , scraped through fields of boulders and crossed innumerable rickety bamboo bridges .
11 A further echo of the Koln Ju88 strike reverberated the following evening when most of the crew were out in Cambridge celebrating survival and , as it happened on these occasions , most crews had their own favourite watering places .
12 The stunt was practised in slow motion , before the cameras rolled and captured Crawford zooming between the lorry 's wheels as it moved at fifteen miles per hour .
13 Now the rattle and roar of the tube faded abruptly as it surfaced into bright sunlight .
14 The Giral government , consisting entirely as it did of bourgeois Republicans , was increasingly irrelevant to the new situation .
15 The society now moved from the rather passive position of regretting ( as it did on 5 August 1789 ) that ‘ there was no appropriate educational establishment in England for the desired improvement of farriery ( in this context comprehending the medical treatment of horses , cattle and sheep ) by a regular education in that science on medical and anatomical principles ’ , to a positive position of recommending such an institution as had been established in France , Germany and elsewhere on the Continent , as being necessary in this country .
16 Around Malvern in Worcestershire driving snow slowed rush hour traffic to a crawl , as it did on high ground in Gloucestershire when overnight rain turned to snow at dawn .
17 But , as a concept determining the political and educational programme , it remained rather vague , standing as it did for all manner of virtues before a spectrum of interests .
18 Two years after the photograph had been taken Nasser came to power in a nationalist revolution which signalled the end for the European community in Alexandria , as it did for European domination of Egyptian affairs .
19 The victory of supporters of Rafsanjani 's " moderate " administration in the October elections for the Assembly of Experts [ see above ] , coinciding as it did with higher oil revenues and regional political developments as a result of the Gulf crisis , worked to strengthen the administration and effectively silence the Islamic regime 's " radical " wing suspicious of internal reforms and of economic and political opening to the West .
20 Consequently the project became as concerned with curriculum issues as it did with linguistic ones .
21 A third technique was to sell off a proportion of the whole operation , as it did with British Telecom , British Gas , British Aerospace , and Britoil ; and British Rail was made to sell off its hotels .
22 Oakenfold 's version of ‘ Cloud 8 ’ was the only well executed or timely attempt ( coming as it did during last summer 's mellow months ) , and is included on the four track limited edition giveaway , ‘ The Baby Album ’ .
23 Egypt offers dazzling contrasts of desert and rich pastureland , architecture older even than the mud-built villages where life continues much as it did in Biblical times .
24 Perhaps because Western Christianity tended to express the faith in more rational and conceptual terms , mysticism never became as normative in popular and official piety as it did in other traditions .
25 Ivory continued to serve many of the same purposes in Christendom as it did in Classical antiquity .
26 In a constructional sense the arch never dominated Italian Romanesque work as it did in northern Europe ; it remained as in Roman times , more decorative than constructional in its purpose .
27 The transmutation of elements has an important place in modern nuclear physics ( as it did in mediaeval alchemy ) but ran completely counter to the aims of Dalton 's atomistic programme .
28 ‘ The detestation of ‘ the profiteer ’ by Labour' , comments one historian , ‘ arose as much from an affront to its patriotism , as it did from latent class consciousness , and the victim of capital was seen as the patriotic community no less than the working class … . ’
29 Bacon 's case , occurring as it did after eighteen years of Stuart rule , can not be taken as evidence for judicial corruption under the Tudors .
30 Certainly the popular press fuelled doubt , focusing as it did upon particular schools which were in temporary disarray , and the failure of a few teachers was applied indiscriminately to the whole workforce .
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