Example sentences of "as it [verb] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stuart Taylor was lucky enough to be on RF325 as it took its last bow .
2 The car did not normally carry passengers , but its seats were used that season by a small orchestra which played selections from ‘ The Gondoliers ’ as it made its romantic way along the Promenade .
3 The war affected me chiefly as it affected my personal affairs .
4 Just as birdsong awoke the unit , an owl is heard calling as it flies its nightly patrol over
5 Elsewhere , in the works of Gyorgy Ligeti and Mauricio Kagel , it could question the very bases of musical performance , extending the range of expression and gesture at the same time as it undermined their very validity , and begin to colonise the imprecise border country between theatre , music and performance art .
6 Yeltsin confirmed that the 1961 treaty of friendship , co-operation and mutual assistance between North Korea and the Soviet Union was no longer effective , and that Russia would not provide financial or military support for the Pyongyang regime until such time as it improved its human rights record and adopted a more co-operative stance on the issue of nuclear inspection .
7 There must have been a lot of that sort of thing , when you come to think about it : tolerating ideological undesirables as long as it suited your own book — not that National Socialism had much ideology beyond being first at the trough .
8 For a moment she thought it shared her doubts ; there was a hint of a fumble as it doubled its hind legs under for the leap .
9 It 's circulation was peaking as it reached its fiftieth edition .
10 Her face looked calm and beautiful as it slept its enforced slumber , the lips slightly parted , the dark curls spilling over a pale cheek .
11 We used to count as it played its seven colours
12 As it crossed its own lines , a plane suddenly dived on it out of the early morning sun .
13 As it continues its unhurried survey I begin to feel a grim human intent behind that gaze .
14 Caroline held her breath as they stood in the silence , watching as it began its final plunge , and , at just the moment it painted the world crimson , Nicolo put his hands on her shoulders .
15 In any event , it seems clear that the follow-on loan is generally bad for consumers , as it restricts their potential credit choice by binding them even more firmly into one type of weekly-collection credit .
16 In Kepler 's construction of the solar system , each planet had its own melodic line associated with a changing speed that increased as it approached its closest point to the sun .
17 ‘ We are three-quarters of a mile in the depths of the earth , and the great river shrinks into insignificance as it dashes its angry waves against the walls and cliffs that rise to the world above ; the waves are but puny ripples , and we but pygmies , running up and down the sands or lost among the boulders .
18 In so far as it explained his personal ideology to the French people , it may be regarded as the first speech of de Gaulle the politician , as opposed to de Gaulle the symbol .
19 Few rivers can compare in scenic beauty with the Tamar as it winds its magic course between Cornwall and England .
20 They 're usually happy to help out , as it gives them extra pocket money .
21 ‘ It 's good to get new blood as it gives us more spark . ’
22 There the microscopic ovum was revealed and followed as it started its monthly journey to await possible fertilisation .
23 The effect of the Polish Corridor was to send the East Prussian economy into an abrupt and dizzying nosedive as it lost its traditional markets for beef , grain , timber , fur , sugar-beet and alcohol .
24 Rex felt the cold muzzle of the gun as it entered his left ear .
25 The attempt to answer the question , ‘ Who am I ? ’ inevitably led Proust , as it leads his fictional hero , to explore and examine his past .
26 Integrating Evode 's chemicals and plastics businesses with its own activities without dilution was on schedule , Laporte said yesterday as it unveiled its 1992 results .
27 Try to choose flowers that are quite little and dainty , as a smaller scale wild flower picture is always more successful , as it emphasises their delicate nature .
28 I felt the sinking whir of the back wheel as it dug its own grave .
29 A HIGH-TECH electronics firm has more than doubled interim pre-tax profits as it expands its world-wide operation , it was revealed yesterday .
30 The aircraft was seen by a reliable observer as it initiated its first overshoot ; within two minutes he had telephoned saying that the aircraft was only 50m above the ground and heading south .
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