Example sentences of "as to [subord] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is some doubt as to whether a latent inhibitor can produce this effect .
2 The question as to whether a specific hypothesis is confirmed or not confirmed by the data is in principle different from the issue of whether the research findings can be generalized to a wider population .
3 Subjects gave yes and no responses as to whether a specific item appeared in a memory set of varying size displayed on a computer using a within subjects design .
4 There was some confusion in court as to whether a private prosecution can be withdrawn once it has been decided that there is a case to answer .
5 But the question must remain as to whether a Japanese giant with five times the turnover of the Virgin group will be content to stay a minority player in the long term .
6 Sir : Your Outlook Column ( 3 October ) ended with the statement : But the question must remain as to whether a Japanese giant with five times the turnover of the Virgin Group will be content to stay a minority player .
7 Teachers should enquire as to whether a low vision aid would be appropriate for an individual low vision child in their class .
8 As to whether a preserved aquarium is required , or merely a preserved fish , the text is unclear .
9 Weather and seasonal variations affect flows and , in turn , judgments as to whether a particular effluent is polluting .
10 Well , that raises the old question — or might raise it , if there was not an answer to it-of Lampleigh v. Brathwait ( above , p. 200 ) , a subject of great interest to every scientific lawyer , as to whether a past service will support a promise .
11 The Department of the Environment has become involved in discussions as to whether a local authority was entitled to specify that a contractor for refuse collection must hire council vehicles , or to refuse permission to outside tenderers to use a council depot ( Hughes 1989:20 ) .
12 This issue involves a question of principle as to whether a local authority can sue for libel and not a decision to be made in respect of each individual action .
13 If there is any doubt as to whether a proposed course of action is consistent with the EC competition rules , you should , where appropriate with professional advisers , discuss the draft agreement or proposed arrangement with DG IV .
14 Application can be made to the local planning authority ( either as part of an application for planning permission or as a separate application ) for a ‘ determination ’ as to whether a proposed operation constitutes development and , if so , as to whether planning permission is required .
15 On a more general basis , there are matters of judgement as to whether an interim payment should be made .
16 ‘ In the Court of Appeal considerable doubt was expressed by that court as to whether an absolute prohibition on the import of a particular description of goods could amount to a quantitative restriction or a measure having equivalent effect , so as to fall within the ambit of Article 30 at all .
17 Disputes as to whether an admitted rule has or has not been violated will always occur and will , in any but the smallest societies , continue interminably , if there is no agency specially empowered to ascertain finally , and authoritatively , the fact of violation …
18 Generally speaking , therefore , difficulties of interpretation in this area mean that very rarely does the tachistoscopic paradigm allow any firm conclusion to be drawn as to whether an observed inferiority of one half field of vision is due to time or information loss during callosal transfer and/or to less efficient processing by the contralateral hemisphere .
19 A new colour form creates no problems , but when a mutation occurs that alters the anatomy of the cat in some way , there is often a heated debate as to whether the new variant should be encouraged or allowed to die out .
20 Leaving aside the question of the importance of small firms for innovation and job creation , there is also the question as to whether the new technology contains a tendency to reduce or increase the size of firms or establishments .
21 ( 2 ) For the purposes of subsection ( 1 ) , a person who has sexual intercourse with another person without the consent of the other person and who is reckless as to whether the other person consents to the sexual intercourse shall be deemed to know that the other person does not consent to the sexual intercourse .
22 There is no indecent assault where the other party consents to the conduct , and the fault element for the crime includes knowledge or recklessness as to whether the other party is consenting .
23 Though not resolving all problems , the Court of Appeal in Shelton ( 1986 ) 83 Cr App R 379 held : ( a ) if there is doubt as to whether the appropriate charge is theft or handling , both can be charged ; ( b ) the jury should be directed that a handler may also be a thief but he can not be convicted of both in relation to the same property at the same time ; and ( c ) if the jury can not agree whether theft or handling has been proved , the jury should be discharged .
24 The legal system should also provide adequate protection for the exercise of citizenship rights , and here there are questions as to whether the present system under which civil liberties are residual rather than rights is adequate .
25 IF CFSU considers it appropriate or is unable to consider the query , general enquiries can then be addressed to the Panel ( on a no name basis if necessary ) at any stage in the process if there is uncertainty as to whether the Blue Book is relevant to the particular transaction .
26 This makes it difficult to reach a decision , and causes a nagging worry as to whether the right system has been selected .
27 From a strictly legal standpoint there are serious doubts as to whether the private key is the equivalent of the paper ocean bill of lading .
28 Opinions were divided , however , as to whether the protracted time-scale had rendered the amendment invalid .
29 The courts continue to equivocate as to whether the traditional approach should be maintained .
30 Views may differ as to whether the religious leaning of the school or parental preference should prevail .
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