Example sentences of "as if [pron] have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst this is a fast and relatively painless process , the files will require handling in exactly the same way as if they had been transferred across a simple serial link .
2 In the immediate mode on BBC Micro , all control codes ( with the exception of and U ) are echoed to the micro 's VDU software where they initiate the same functions as if they had been sent by the VDU statement .
3 Individualised programmes , alternative activities and simplified worksheets , when they are directed at certain children can cut them off from their peers as effectively as if they had been withdrawn .
4 ‘ Did you want me , Myra ? ’ she asked as calmly as if they had been discussing the weather and not within an ace of making either love or war .
5 They were talking rationally now , as adults , just as she had asked , but underneath the façade of civilised behaviour her heart was still doing funny things , and the electricity between them was as powerful as if they had been making love .
6 That last bomb had taken out those houses as if it had come with a great grasping fist and scooped them up and crunched them into rubble as easily as if they 'd been made of matchsticks .
7 The nice people are still there to enjoy the music , although perhaps not as much as if they 'd been allowed to express themselves and some of the nasty people are beginning to appreciate the actual music .
8 She was trapped , as helpless as if she 'd been bound in chains .
9 Jessamy jumped back as quickly as if she had been shot .
10 It looked at first as if she had been drinking blood .
11 He had carried her in his arms as naturally as if he had been doing so for years , and she had felt right there .
12 More important , perhaps , he was in normal uniform , which grounded him as surely as if he had been chained to the nearest hangar door .
13 … crime and folly and error can be as severely lashed , as virtue and morality can be upheld , by a series of amusing causes and effects , that entice the reader to take a medicine , which , although rendered agreeable to the palate , still produces the same internal benefit as if it had been presented to him in its crude state , in which it would either be refused or nauseated .
14 His father 's face was as red as if it had been turned inside out .
15 She realized that she was feeling it too , frozen to the marrow in this bitter East wind which kept whipping her cloak off her shoulders as contemptuously as if it had been made of pocket-handkerchieves instead of tablecloths , her stomach hollow and aching , her head feeling light and aching a little too .
16 And so it was as the " candidate " that he spoke to them , his accent so neutral by now that he could have come from anywhere and everywhere , his green broadcloth jacket still shabby but worn as jauntily as if it had been lined with ermine , his lean , dark face handsome enough to please the women and hard enough to reassure the men .
17 It was slightly damp not in patches but all over as if it had been soaked in water then wrung out and left to dry through the night .
18 I collapsed back into the armchair , almost as exhausted as if I 'd been climbing the Eigernordwand .
19 It was not however , until I arrived in the country , and found myself surrounded by objects as strange as if I had been transported to another planet , that I conceived the idea of devoting a portion of my attention to the mammalian class of its extraordinary fauna . ’
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