Example sentences of "that [is] your [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You will leave this HQ at one-minute intervals and that is your minute of grace .
2 R A Y N E R , and that 's your head of department in case erm , so if you look in that book in chapter four , right , there 's er agricultural trade and the GATT , if you look er , if you read that chapter , it 'll give you all the information you need to know about erm , agricultural trade , erm , how it 's changed , what the costs , there are a lot of estimates of the costs of agricultural protectionism , and as the benefits to liberalization of er , of trade , and also it gives er , a view of erm , er the Uruguay round of GATT .
3 That 's your idea of exercise , eh , Josh ? ’
4 That 's your idea of friendship ? ’ said Joe .
5 No , that 's your line of work .
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