Example sentences of "that [is] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If that s the kind of performance we can expect from well paid professionals god help us .
2 A good beginning does not rule out a calamitous ending : that is the way of war .
3 and the furry monster was there and the church bells rang unceasingly , my muse was red with righteous anger , o my love , and her hound barked at the furry monster and her frankfurter but i did not let them see me for worshipping in silence is the artist 's choice , that is the way for growth .
4 We must build armaments , military strength and that is the way to peace .
5 Now that does n't matter whether we 're Christians or not Christians , that is the course of life , that happens to every one of us .
6 So , that is the idea of building up the structure for a story of that , of that , of that kind .
7 ‘ And if that is the case for exit polls , it may also have been the case for the campaign polls , ’ he writes .
8 That is the kind of question the miners of the country will ask , and they will say they have been deceived , betrayed , duped .
9 I mean that is I have to say that that is the kind of press release which frequently comes across both Brian 's desk and mine all too frequently .
10 That is the kind of occasion on which the advance man has to think fast , make a decision and ‘ manage ’ it through .
11 The Chelsea skipper insisted : ‘ That is the kind of tackle that can end a player 's career — and it is one Fitzroy Simpson can not be proud of .
12 That is the kind of approach that they would like to have again at Westminster .
13 That is the kind of heroism that could destroy Russia . ’
14 That is the kind of consequence to which Labour Members are characteristically blind , as they are blind in their continued support for the national statutory minimum wage .
15 That is the kind of shop steward she is .
16 Erm , that is the kind of place you would
17 he seemed like , he , he , I looked at him , right , and I looked at everything about him and I thought that is the kind of guy I want , which is true , but it was n't the guy .
18 Although that is the position in law , the court emphasised that as a matter of commonsense a tenant should first complain to the landlord before exercising the right to prosecute .
19 Ealing Council had a policy of positive images of lesbians and gay men in the community and , Mr Wilshire stated , ‘ I contend that that is the promotion of homosexuality . ’
20 The same expenditure data are also plotted on Figure 1b against what is here called Research Orientation Ranking , that is the proportion of postgraduate research on ‘ Other Physical Sciences ’ in the CVCP Report .
21 And that is the spirit of Christmas .
22 That is the art of farming . ’
23 Sorry to sound a little perverse on that issue , but I , we really wanted to have a clear indication of what you felt as District Planning Officers , er an and indeed we 'll hear what the County feel and in fact have pursued through this alteration , but can I again , just for clarification , and in fact it 's a sort of final head count , er and again I raise this in the context of P P G three paragraph thirty three , and that is the degree of acceptability , or otherwise , by the local planning authorities , erm and I only need a nod from you , or otherwise , for the record .
24 Although consideration has already been given both to the proportion and number of items of different ages requiring repair , there is one further possibly age-related factor which must be taken into account , and that is the degree of deterioration exhibited by the defective items identified .
25 So far as I know , one cause of a general fall in the value of money is not open to dispute , either as theoretically possible or as practically instanced within our own experience : that is the monetisation of debt , in other words , the process whereby part of the expenditure of public authorities is financed by the creation of additional spending power .
26 That is the date of exchange of contracts , not the date of completion .
27 So they , they welcomed the idea of a separation of powers but they also insisted on another principle , probably the most important principle of American government , and that is the principle of federalism .
28 That is the principle of subsidiarity , which has been widely subscribed to by political leaders across the European Community .
29 These issues have been well raised and aired over the last few months I would like to now raise another issue that I do n't think has been publicized enough that is the issue of under-provision in old age .
30 That is the state of play at the moment . ’
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