Example sentences of "that [adv] [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think that announcement was actually made I told it was going to be and has committed to support D R D A two and that effectively provides an alternative A P I perhaps as O D B C with Microsoft 's backing will become the norm in the P C environment , D R D A will be in the I B M environment .
2 That only leaves a positive ID from the victim . ’
3 But that only adds a new dimension of urgency to the business .
4 Well that just makes an awful noise .
5 That still leaves a healthy blend of seasoned hands and determined younger players , many of whom are happy to be regarded as all-rounders rather than specialists .
6 ( Of course , this process could be guided by an algorithm that we can label as ’ semantic ’ , but that hardly constitutes a semantic theory in any true sense . )
7 Therefore , the most likely explanation for the increased hepatic venous pressure gradient is the extensive necrosis and subsequent reticulin collapse , that probably causes a severe distortion of the hepatic microcirculation .
8 Yes Chairman , the figure of a hundred thousand as we said did , was erm a figure quoted on by account chief 's executive of the purchasing consortium erm , that was spoken at a public meeting held here in Harlow last week erm the issue of the the transport around the area erm , was accepted by the the chief executive of the health authority erm or of that of the consortium erm , and the and the view that it would be much more difficult with the lack of public transport to get to the more relo , remote areas of Essex the the reason that the erm reduced use of London was put into this report was also erm , clearly stated by the chief executive , i it 's their clear aim to provide more of , to purchase more of the services from within the north Essex area , and that was stated in a major part of the conta , of of their erm achievements and that automatically means a reduced amount of choice for those people who would otherwise for , to London .
9 Hourani describes a sense of secondariness in contemporary Arab identity : ‘ It is no longer to have a standard of values of one 's own , not to be able to create but only to imitate ; and so not even to imitate correctly , since that also needs a certain originality . ’
10 It is of interest , therefore , that ulcerative colitis is the only disease , other than PSC , that also has a significant proportion of patients with a type 1 anti-neutrophil antibody pattern .
11 That often means a young person .
12 But that simply draws a weary smile from Durrant , 27 , because he is head of the 10-strong team providing software support to existing clients .
13 That undoubtedly goes a long way to explaining the inspectors ' report .
14 Nothing , anyway , that helpfully addresses an important conundrum , often mentioned , seldom explored , and so far unsolved : when death occurs suddenly , and coronary atherosclerosis is found at necropsy ( and nothing else that is evidently fatal ) , the certified cause of death will be given as ‘ coronary artery disease ’ — or one of many synonyms — with no regard paid to the customary scientific standards of proving the relation between effect and cause .
15 If the child feels rejected for any reason , that too has a traumatic effect — whether the rejection was real or imagined .
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