Example sentences of "that [pron] [verb] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She said I ca n't cope no more , she said I just can not cope any longer and I said you must n't feel like that I said you 'll break all our hearts , I said it 's , life will never be the same again , I said come on home with me , forget about this day , I said tomorrow we 'll come and pick your birds up cos she 's got two beautiful parrots , she 's got a Mulican white with peach
2 But I say sometimes when I was i like that I wished somebody would come round and knock on the door , perhaps
3 ‘ We will introduce the policies that we have undertaken to introduce , and in the course of doing that I hope we can attract a breadth of support to add to our majority and to add to the degree of consensus supporting that majority , ’ he added .
4 ‘ After that I suppose I 'll start training for another marathon , but I 've never been good at looking to the future .
5 Well with that I think I can draw the E I P to a close .
6 Where are those tapes for erm that you said I could have ?
7 Erm it w would be er pretty foolish I think after the lessons that have been learned about this that you know we should sink back i i into erm contentment as it were , er , er , er , er
8 It 's just that you know it might do some good .
9 Well I du n no whether I I 'm in a position to comment on that you know you 'll have to ask them about that whether you know we 've all learnt from each other really .
10 Well , is it , you mean technology has n't affected your job to such an extent that you feel that you know you could get laid off at any minute if they bring in something new ?
11 On a clear day Hoy , ‘ the high island ’ , seems so near that one imagines one might stretch out a hand and run fingers down its jagged red cliffs .
12 and he said on top of that he said you can bring your digger along and you can play in the sand as well
13 Given that he thinks he can demonstrate , easily demonstrate the advantages of representative governments to show why
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