Example sentences of "as [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This manuscript , which was clearly intended for publication , reflects his personal observation as well as drawing on the published literature on the disease .
2 The problems discussed in this section are not necessarily separate from those outlined as deriving from the colonial model , indeed they frequently overlap .
3 The governing body was concerned that setting up its own separate committee structure would not only be perceived as competing with the existing structure ( with all the attendant risks of a developing ‘ us and them ’ mentality where one rarely existed before ) , but would also be repetitive .
4 Locate in Scotland , the agency charged with luring foreign multinationals to set up in Scotland , is generally seen as competing with the Welsh Development Agency and the Irish Development Authority to secure these coveted new tenants .
5 Walsingham and Knighton also attempted to blame Wyclif and the Lollards for propagating revolt , but this must be seen only as scaremongering by the established order in the Church , attempting to tar the socially conservative academic heretic with the brush of revolution .
6 In December 1990 Bob Haboldt gave his rationale behind choosing a large gallery as stemming from the different approach of Continental buyers , who like to stroll in and look , as opposed to clients who tend to make an appointment to visit his New York gallery in order to see a specific work .
7 B8 ) as depending upon the universal tendency towards adjustment of form and process ; to direct investigation towards the essentially multivariate character of geomorphic phenomena ; to admit a more liberal view of morphological changes with time to include the possibility of non-significant or non-progressive changes of certain aspects of landscape form through time ; to foster a dynamic approach to geomorphology to complement the historical one ; to focus upon the whole landscape assemblage rather than upon those parts assumed to have evolutionary significance ; to encourage geomorphic investigations in those areas where evidence for erosional history may be deficient ; and to direct attention to the heterogeneity of spatial organization .
8 Although no extraneous gas is used , CAMRA also frowns on the breather as interfering with the natural process of maturing and serving cask beer .
9 He refused to consider what he regarded as interfering in the judicial process and what they saw as moderating his policy of harassing the Free Church .
10 The inquirer is distanced from current results , and sees himself , not as finding things out but as contributing to the cognitive progress of a wider community .
11 Several factors are described as contributing to the diagnostic delay — presence of serious concurrent injuries and paucity of pathognomonic clinical signs ; simultaneous lung injuries may mask or mimic the diagnosis radiologically .
12 These can be summarized as the desire to achieve mass mobilization and the disruption of feudalism through land reform which the Party believed would ensure their political stability in power as well as contributing to the eventual realization of socialism .
13 Relevant previous experience , together with the principle of local interpretation , will impel hearers / readers to try to interpret sequential utterances as relating to the same topic .
14 It views the connection between culture and job regulation as occurring through the shaping influence of culture upon the attitudinal characteristics of the actors and , therefore , on their behaviour .
15 If we analyse the relation between the event of " passively experiencing " denoted by have and that of saying or happening denoted by the infinitive , it becomes obvious immediately that the two must be conceived as occurring in the same stretch of time : one can only experience something while it is happening .
16 In the early 1960s she played a part in saving Brownsea Island from development : the island is now owned by the National Trust , and the Dorset Trust for Nature Conservation manages part as a nature reserve Helen Brotherton is the current Chairman of the latter organisation and , as well as serving on the National Trust 's Council , Appointments Panel and Conservation Panel , she was Chairman of the Wessex Regional Committee for a number of years .
17 you could median split them at whatever the medium was and then you 've got two groups to compare erm because it usually looks quite nice if you 've got something comparative as well as looking at the average sort of , you know , pattern of responses on the questionnaire .
18 More subtle than corruption , but just as damaging to the judicial process , were variations in court procedure which must have seemed arbitrary to many Sri Lankans .
19 Many manufacturers have tried , but so far none have been able to produce a model as enduring in the lower price bracket as , say , the old Fender Champ .
20 In the case of the Mathematical Association , many of the older school-based members will have constructed their careers in terms of existing definitions of school mathematics and [ … ] will have had an interest , all other things being equal , in resisting changes which might be seen as leading to the relative devaluation of their ‘ knowledge ’ .
21 IMI is depicted as lying below the efficient frontier EMF as the investor is engaged in the construction of a series of sub-optimal portfolios by the definition of the efficient frontier itself .
22 In this book Nash brings together those works of popular fiction ( hereafter popfiction ) , which are traditionally conceived of as lying outside the literary canon and linguistic theories pertaining to discourse analysis and the stylistic analysis of fiction .
23 The largely voluntary history of its development , set out in Chapter 2 , attests to the way in which many courses within the Polytechnic have seen their interests as lying within the modular scheme , and the way in which new subject areas and approaches have then influenced it from inside .
24 So brief is the note , and couched in such general terms , that it is difficult to base much upon it , but worth noting are the facts that he clearly saw his choice as lying in the normal way between tedris and kaza , which he calls two paths or careers ; that a signal disadvantage of teaching was that it was unremunerative ; and , not least , that , unable to contemplate either alternative , he was able to find a home for his talents and interests in the bureaucracy .
25 These are the kinds of conflict recognized as lying behind the bureaucratic politics of colonialism .
26 As well as adding to the old part of the story , the continuators brought it up to date till the death of Geoffrey le Bel , occasionally slipping into detailed narrative of events : there is a long and useful excursus on the politics of 1118 .
27 As well as paying for the new building , the Goldsmiths also increased the salaries of the Headmaster and Usher , made the School free again to the scholars , and paid the running costs .
28 Ultimately this is a question as to the proper limits of self-determination , as well as turning on the specific lucidity of the individual patient .
29 Some scholars , however , see Matthew 's interest in the Church as going beyond the mere mention of the word .
30 Ex exactly the same as going to the present day .
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