Example sentences of "as [pers pn] have be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I found your motherboard upgrade article most interesting as I have been thinking of upgrading my XT , but I had not bargained for changing the keyboard as I have a 102 key board ( no XT/AT switch ) .
2 But I have read and enjoyed ‘ pornography ’ , just as I have been aroused by the pictorial depiction of sex — and I refuse to feel guilty for it .
3 Perhaps my hon. Friend does not know that the Government have just announced that they intend to nationalise the private enterprise operation that I am running , which entails my sending those replies to all Opposition Members — as I have been doing for the past three months — and , this month , to Conservative Members , following an offer made to their Whips some time ago .
4 WILLIAMS : I am sorry I have incurred your displeasure and the more as I have been told by Lady Jones that you had a more honourable view than at first was apprehended .
5 It is perfectly in order to ask for a copy of the annual report , the balance sheet and any other promotional material as soon as you have been called for interview , or even beforehand .
6 We are fighting to trade freely and openly within the law , as we have been doing for many years .
7 If inflation is too much money pursuing too few goods , it does not follow that we must — as we have been doing in this country — reduce the supply of money all the time and thus have the disastrous consequences for industry that have occurred .
8 A dejected Leeds boss Howard Wilkinson said : ‘ We did as we have been doing in every game .
9 The first deals with land use decisions and environmental issues , as they have been handled in Britain and France .
10 ‘ And in a perverse way this is something which may be helpful because they are now beginning to appreciate more clearly the fear that has existed within the Protestant community for the past 20 years as they have been killed at random by the IRA , ’ he added .
11 Roderick believes that women obviously have a head start as they have been reared with values of nurturing , partnership and growth .
12 I present below a short anthology of some of the views of some present Conservative Members of the House of Commons as they have been expressed in Parliament .
13 This is all the more so because other provisions in the Act , as they have been interpreted in the courts , amount to what is effectively an indirect attack on the ‘ right to silence .
14 No but I think it is interesting that some of the Parish Councils for instance who initially were opposed to the application and very strongly , as they have been supplied with further and better information have modified their position and are now saying subject to rigorous planning controls they are no longer opposed outright to the application .
15 Meanwhile , in this closing scene , the water hyacinths proceed towards the sea , as they have been doing throughout the action .
16 Although histamine stimulates the incorporation of H + , K + -ATPase rich cytoplasmic tubulovesicles into the apical membrane in parietal cells , it is unclear whether a similar phenomenon occurred in HGT-1 cells as they have been shown to be devoid of secretory organelles .
17 Did you not yourself say that our love must be holy ? ’ or when she pointed out that his ‘ lovely poems ’ would have been less lovely if she had not pro vided ‘ the unrest and storm that made them possible ’ : ‘ Beloved I will pray with my whole strength that suffering and temptation may be taken from you as they have been taken from me and that we may gain spiritual union stronger than earthly union could ever be . ’
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