Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [verb] from [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 As I changed from listening to walking mode , I tried to work out whether it had feet or flippers or ran on rollers .
2 But all seemed to go well for me as I climbed from boat to boat successfully , and then all I had to do was get to the wall from the last boat .
3 I forgot all about donating and the transfusion service lost track of me as I moved from house to house over the years , until the other day when the subject came up in the office .
4 How do we know that the laws of nature are not really like laws of a game of chess , but played on a chess board where the laws change as you go from place to place on the chess board , which is a very more complicated situation than an ordinary chess game where the laws are the same no matter where the pieces are .
5 Stephanie picked Mary up — Mary liked to be picked up — and perched her on one hip as she walked from bed to bed .
6 Her thoughts still whirling , Shae looked up to see Marianne standing by the table , her green eyes calculating and faintly malicious as she glanced from Shannon to Gavin .
7 She brought her hands to her waist and , keeping her elbows out , pushed one forward then the other , as she twisted from side to side ; her face alight , she directed her radiance at the audience , finishing with the invitation , that issued from her lips as a command :
8 Jonna flinched back and Annie sighed as she looked from father to son .
9 Although as she changed from bus to bus she was free at last of the accusing voices , she had time for a number of second thoughts , wishing in particular that she had put on other clothes , and had had her hair cut .
10 She was filled with an overwhelming sense of loss as she wandered from tree to tree , recognising many , feeling herself accused : she had overstayed her welcome in the world .
11 The house seemed to put comforting arms around her , as she wandered from room to room .
12 My mother s face as she spun from uniform to uniform shone with the frightened ecstasy of a martyred saint .
13 Britt 's distress is being made worse by a daunting work schedule and the strain was painfully evident as she jetted from Stockholm to Malmo .
14 Claudia gritted her teeth together , groaning as she blushed from head to foot .
15 It gathers up the movement of the house as we pass from kitchen to living room or dining room , or kitchen to bedrooms .
16 As we know from time to time but not in time .
17 In a country of 17 million people , around one million actually travelled to see them as they journeyed from city to city .
18 Caroline glanced at Nicolo as they strolled from vendor to vendor .
19 As they stepped from grass to gravel , a long dark green Mercedes two-seater swept towards them , accelerating fast .
20 He 'd used an Armalite semi-auto on the creatures as they stampeded from crag to crag .
21 Those who had previously found part of their income from ironmaking were thrown back on the less adequate resources of Wealden farming , although a small number of nomads continued to burn charcoal for the London market , camping in branch and sod hovels as they migrated from wood to wood .
22 The forms have no definite shape , as they change from round to round , but they are vaguely humanoid and attack with limb-like appendages .
23 A look of determination spread over several faces as they hurtled from side to side , and several comical scenes were witnessed as spinnakers were flown on the downwind run .
24 His lizard eyes , as they flicked from Nathan to Polly and back again , were alight with curiosity , yet there was no warmth in them .
25 Movements are tracked with each individual 's location being constantly logged and updated as they transfer from helicopter to platform , supply vessel , or other destination .
26 That afternoon , as they moved from church to market square and strolled admiringly past rows of handsome eighteenth-century houses , greedily Robbie recorded every second , every sight , every sensation , building up a store of precious memories to take out and brood over when this time out of reality — as it must — came to an end .
27 It also led to closer contacts between the dancers as they moved from picture to picture within the design .
28 With the way jobs are going it 's harder to keep members as they move from job to job .
29 He held onto his back as they leapt from shelf to shelf and soon he no longer had to shut his eyes as they flew through the air .
30 It is a common sight to see bands of penniless zealots whipping and beating themselves as they travel from village to village , begging scraps of food and preaching their own nightmare vision of doom and despondency .
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