Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right , it 's just that I worked , I think , yesterday I could n't get into erm , I just could n't get into and yesterday I must admit I felt really rough and erm , I thought at three o'clock I was going to have to ring Iris , cos I knew you were still out you see and at three o'clock I thought I was going to have to ring Iris er just to come in cos I ca n't like your head was my stomach was churning over , it was n't till , soon as I get some food in front of me oh I get , you see I did n't feel too cracking in the morning and I thought well there 's lots of stomach bugs going about and I thought well I 'm having one of them , and I did n't know what I fancied for lunch and I cooked the kiddies theirs , they had fish and what have you , and erm , I thought well what can I have , I thought I what , I thought I got a little tin of salmon there , so I thought right I 'll have a salmon sandwich and I had that and believe me I felt , by three o'clock I could see myself picking me up off the floor , I only got spots before my eyes as such , but , I just had , I had four , five cups of water , I did n't drink any tea , and I wish then , well I do n't know whether I could have felt any worse when I had the sandwich or not to be honest .
2 I not only feel it to be the most relevant magazine to the industry I work in — the consumer finance sector — but have also found the appointments section excellent , especially as I secured new employment through it after being made redundant .
3 As I heard more stories about the measuring rod , not just from Alec but from other boys as well , I began to realise that it would be as big a problem for me as it always was for Alec .
4 As I put some oranges through the juicer , her image , bright and laughing , was in my mind .
5 As I unveil this plaque to the glory of God and in memory of all those who served in the Hundredth Bomb Group in the cause of freedom from this airfield .
6 At first I thought it was piles , as I had terrible itching round my anus .
7 I then pointed out to him that I strongly deprecated a dissolution at this moment as I had implicit confidence in him and in the Conservative Party now in power , and I considered that as most countries in Europe , if not in the world , were in a chaotic and indeed dangerous state , it would be a pity if this country were to be plunged into the turmoil of a General Election on a question of domestic policy which will arouse all the old traditional bitterness of the hard fought battles between Protection and Free Trade : also that it was quite possible that his majority might be reduced , or that he might not get a majority at all .
8 I hear what my hon. Friend says , as I hear all representations on this matter .
9 As I made these suggestions to her , I was continually reminding her that she was feeling very relaxed and comfortable and that she was in complete control of the situation and need do nothing ( even in her imagination ) that she did not choose to .
10 People left smiling and as I passed one lady on her way down the hill she grinned at me and said ‘ Perfick ’ !
11 As I said last year at the Whitbread and Company conference on employee volunteering .
12 On my first acquaintance with the mad little road , in about 1950 , I had no feelings of affection for it nor any eye for the beauty all around , my gaze being fixed on the tarmac ahead as I dragged weary legs along it .
13 They have varying effects on humans and as I discovered disastrous effects on fish .
14 Gav and my Aunt Janice got on like a house on fire , a combined location and fate I occasionally wished on them as I lay awake listening to the sounds of their love-making , a pastime I sometimes suspected I shared with people in a large part of the surrounding community , not to say northern Europe .
15 A pre-warned Kenneth had plied John and his girl-friend Rosie with champagne to deaden the effect of the coming lunch , as I chased huge lumps round a pan of watery pulp that started life as potato .
16 He 's holding his hand out to me , yelling at me , but I 'm stuck there , terrified , screaming , and I do n't know what to do , ca n't think what to do , even while he 's yelling at me to help him , come out to him , get a branch , but I 'm petrified at the thought of setting foot on that white , treacherous surface and I ca n't imagine finding a branch , ca n't think what to do as I look one way towards the tall trees above the hidden gorge and the other along the shore of the loch towards the boat-house but there are no branches , there 's only snow everywhere , and then Andy stops struggling and slips under the whiteness .
17 If my final sentence reassured him in any way he gave no sign , watching dead-faced as I injected 10 cc of Prontosil .
18 A note from Bartram in 1745 seems to imply a slight difference of opinion as his account of some American pines had been questioned : ‘ But as I have great opinion of Miller 's learning and judgement , I am engaged in duty and friendship to inform him the best I can . ’
19 I felt sad about this as I have several friends from my Salford days in Hong Kong , but I understand a decision to carry out this action has been put off for some time , so perhaps it was a regrettable necessity .
20 I do not at this precise moment , therefore , feel quite as wretched as I did this morning after using the public telephone or as bewildered and terrorized as I did this afternoon while sitting half-frozen on the trembling suspension bridge across the sleazy Thames .
21 She lowered her lashes , said bitterly , ‘ I — I 've never gone as far as I did last night with you ! ’
22 A further advantage of using ( as I mentioned several times before ) is that we get rid of the vectorial nature of the problem .
23 And as you teach all subjects in the Junior School , you will be able to let Art enliven all your work .
24 And weigh those matters up in your mind as you hear one evidence after the other .
25 I mean I think the , I , I think it can effect this , but not that materially erm there are many as you know different provinces round the world and what happens in the C I S is , is obviously very important for the Middle East and so erm it will have an impact .
26 As you walked one day in the temple
27 High-handedness and arrogance are their trademarks , as you saw last night at the governor 's palace .
28 Did you have this in new one int room as you go other side of fire place in that big polythene bag June
29 Then you 'd quarter it , quarter it off , you see , then carry it down to the shop so as you had some beef in the shop on show in four quarters .
30 Just as you keep much-lived garments in your closet slip into long after they 've gone out of style , bottles of your favourite fragrance still have a place in your library of perfumes , too .
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