Example sentences of "as [pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] on the " in BNC.

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1 We talked of England : and my host was so inspiring in his eloquence on the subject of what England might have achieved in friendship with Germany that , as I looked out on the twilight enshrouding the Kurfiarstendamm I could think of nothing to say but Marlowe 's famous lines :
2 As I lay back on the clean white sheet tucked round the hard mattress of the sick room bed and faded into a temporary oblivion , I thought to myself that perhaps early retirement would be no bad thing to consider after all .
3 My only culinary memories of Huntingdon are of seeing a pea-canning factory ( now demolished ) as I passed by on the train .
4 I enquired , as I sat down on the floor beside him .
5 So as you come up on the approach side , think position .
6 it 's on the dual carriageway as you go in on the
7 Otherwise you may find yourself later , as you sweep along on the actual business of writing , gradually drifting into producing quite another sort of book than the one you set out to write and in consequence disappointing readers ' expectations which at the beginning you had gone to trouble to arouse .
8 It was so clear in his mind , he could hear his nan 's voice , even smell that strangely comforting smell of scorched linen as she pressed down on the iron , and yet he had understood little of their conversation at the time , had n't understood , in fact , until years later .
9 Indeed Laura often said so : ‘ Twin souls , Matt , ’ she would drawl , as she lolled back on the velvet cushions which covered the floor of her apartment .
10 Behind her , in the shadows , she could hear Florence making odd , bad-tempered cow-noises as she shifted about on the hard floor .
11 If Liz and Owen had n't had that accident , which brought us together to look after the twins , we might never have found each other again ! ’ she cried , feeling almost faint as she fell back on the pillows , hardly able to bear the thought of how narrowly they had averted a lifetime of unhappiness .
12 There was a lump in her throat as she gazed down on the gaunt features .
13 Almost touch them with my hand , thought Jenny Dale as she looked out on the skyscrapers , then turned her attention to flying the small , six-seater , twin-engined Piper Seneca on to the final approach .
14 Switch on and move the appropriate levers on the banks of controllers , and the children come running out of the house , little pink-cheeked creatures half an inch high , who turn to wave at Felicity as she comes out on the terrace to see them off to school .
15 ‘ I have n't forgotten how the Dalesfolk talk , you see , Mam , ’ she teased , as she sat down on the bench next to her mother .
16 As she sat down on the couch , Ben sat opposite her on the settle , his big body and large head topping the back of it while his short legs hardly touched the floor .
17 Maria gave a dry little laugh as she clamped down on the obvious , defeatist answer .
18 He grinned as she pushed up on the window sill , her head down , hair hanging blackly .
19 All through my teens it had to be a very rainy Sunday indeed that did not find us perched on the Cow and Calf a crop of murderous rocks resembling neither cows , calves nor any other animal , ' or out at Bolton Abbey , negotiating the stepping-stones across the wide but shallow Wharfe ; or eating our sandwiches on Haworth Moor as we looked down on the Brontes ' parsonage and re-enacted the highlights from Wuthering Heights in our romantic young heads .
20 ‘ We ask a blessing of you , O Lord , as we go out on the beaches , and we pray for a really neat time and some big swells .
21 I was beginning to become impatient as we lay about on the sand for several hours waiting our turn to go aboard one of the tank-landing craft , after it had discharged its cargo .
22 There was little need to hurry over breakfast , because even by nine o'clock there is barely enough light to see fine details , but shortly after nine the first starlings arrive for their morning meal , shoving and squabbling as they line up on the washing line to watch for the first human activity .
23 There was a soft double-thump as they piled up on the panels .
24 The man on the rod would be unable to reel in fast enough as they ran down on the Zodiac .
25 As they close in on the prey , they thrust their talons forward and the mighty claws take over .
26 But he grew serious now as they sat out on the terrace , two blissful days into their marriage , watching a blood-red sun sink into a blood-red sea .
27 I did n't try the grilled Greek halloumi cheese with pitta bread , but as it passed by on the way to another table I rather wished I had .
28 The bird 's darting eye sought his frantically before it glazed ; he thought as it twitched about on the hard dry clods that he might break its neck to bring its death throes to an end .
29 She was about to reach for her drink when she caught sight of the car out of the corner of her eye as it pulled up on the opposite side of the road — a white BMW , identical to the one her uncle had .
30 You close the door , take off your glasses because your vision is so distorted , and kick him in the head ; far too softly , then still not hard enough , as he scrabbles round on the floor , one hand at his crotch and the other at his head , making a spitting , wheezing noise .
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