Example sentences of "as [verb] a [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 They undertook the extensive analysis of various documents , compiled statistics of their own , made use of officially provided statistics and other materials , such as records , participated in community events and organisations , interviewed various members of the community in depth as well as administering a standardised questionnaire to various sets of people .
2 In the summer of 1101 , faced with Robert 's landing in England and the immediate prospect of widespread desertion , Henry went so far as to promise a general obedience to the papal decrees , and it seems likely that Anselm 's activity on his behalf , secured by this promise , turned the tide in his favour , and brought Duke Robert 's invasion to a halt .
3 Mr. Leapor has put down a Grave-Stone in Memory of his Daughter ; and I should be glad if any of the ingenious Gentlemen you mention would be so good as to write a few Lines to be put upon it
4 It is clear from the evidence of wills from all social classes up to the sovereign himself that society valued the spiritual input of those whose dying to worldly values ( at their enclosure the burial service was read over them ) was not regarded with jokey discomfort as disturbingly eccentric , but valued as contributing a unique gift to a total social welfare .
5 In developed and developing countries alike indigenous paraprofessionals seem to be more effective than professionals in working with certain clients and communities or at the very least they are seen as adding a valuable dimension to social service provision .
6 His ‘ unconditional ’ release , by which it is understood he will be able to operate freely in politics , represents a risk for Mr de Klerk , since it is clear Mr Sisulu will have a capacity to generate mass political gatherings , as well as give a revitalised direction to anti-apartheid politics .
7 Thailand 's onshore oil and comparatively recently discovered offshore gas hold the prospect of energy self-sufficiency as well as providing a tremendous boost to the country 's already high level of industrial growth .
8 The Group saw group moderation by teachers as a vital element , as being a process with significant benefit to teachers in itself as well as providing a crucial counterbalance to crudely over-simplified test results .
9 B : Well , the milkman has come It is only on the basis of assuming the relevance of B's response that we can understand it as providing a partial answer to A's question .
10 During the next three years , millions of dollars stimulated the economic recovery of Western Europe , as well as providing a huge stimulus to the US economy .
11 For many years the Party had attacked the ILP as providing an insincere alternative to Communism .
12 More significantly , the organisation was now free to manage itself so as to give a better service to patients .
13 The Thatcher fiscal revolution — redistributing income to those with most — must be reversed , but in such a way as to extend an incentive-based society to all taxpayers , and particularly those at the bottom of the income pile .
14 The results were interpreted as giving a continued endorsement to the efforts of the non-party President Georgios Vassiliou to pursue UN-backed talks with the Turkish Cypriots — something which had been the key issue of the electoral campaigns .
15 We can quote one as saying ‘ We see it as giving a distinctive edge to our marketing image amongst a predominantly business clientele . ’
16 However , he does see the life of one who really understands his situation as giving a central place to what he calls ‘ the intellectual love of God ’ .
17 Relations of CAP leaders and regular local government officials were often difficult , and critics saw it as giving an open invitation to agitators .
18 She suggests that this was perhaps because women have traditionally been seen as having a passive relation to language which is similar to that of a simultaneous interpreter who translates the ideas of others but does not produce any of her own ( 32 ) .
19 This is quite understandable if the non-specified version of the infinitive 's support corresponds to a " generalized person " : since this person is the virtual sum of all persons ( first , second or third ) , if to snow is not explicitly referred to it , the infinitive is felt as having a possible reference to " me " or " you " , which corresponds exactly to the impression produced by the sentence above and explains why it does not make sense .
20 This model sees local authorities as having a subordinate relationship to central government with little or no discretion in the task of implementing national policies .
21 As well as having a structured approach to content , there is also a need for a structured approach to concepts .
22 McAllister , happily unaware of who made up the party , watched these inhabitants of the world in which she had lived since she was eight years old stare and chatter as they made their way through the doorway , Mr Sands bowing and scraping at them as befitted a poor relation to whom they were doing a favour , the rest of the bazaar 's patrons staring at these strange beings , male and female , as though they were visitors from another planet , perhaps one described by Mr H. G. Wells .
23 Matza ( 1964 ) explicitly portrayed these kinds of idea as involving a partial return to classicism .
24 ‘ Social imperialism ’ suggests that the main beneficiaries of this policy were British consumers , and indeed one writer has gone so far as to argue a direct link to the Attlee government 's social reforms : ‘ The nationalisations , medical provision and expansion of education so magnanimously legislated by the Labour Ministry were largely achieved because the Bank of England kept the Sterling Area show on the road . '
25 ‘ However , current Education Minister John Patten said he regarded Church schools as making a crucial contribution to education but he had n't actually consulted them about opting out . ’
26 It is also important to remember that where jobs are indeed a problem , as in Ireland , postgraduate research positions should be clearly seen as making a major contribution to employment — where else would employment cost so little and the employee undergo intensive training ?
27 Parliamentary and media responses to the Report varied greatly , although it was widely seen as making an important contribution to the debate about how to respond to the riots and prevent the outbreak of violence in the future .
28 Hayek views the growing dominance of the conception of law as thesis as posing a grave threat to liberty .
29 A referendum on self-government held on March 21 in Tatarstan was seen as posing a potential challenge to the integrity of the Russian Federation .
30 It is with regret that we join the chorus of voices calling for the resignation of Jocelyn Stevens as chairman of Britain 's architectural and archaeological conservation body , English Heritage : any man so free of mealy-mouthed PR awareness as to tell a bothersome journalist to ‘ go and pee out of the window ’ is a true blue .
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