Example sentences of "as [conj] he have been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He had carried her in his arms as naturally as if he had been doing so for years , and she had felt right there .
2 He sounded as though he 'd been expecting my call .
3 The first , that with so much burnt umber on his hands he looked as though he 'd been playing with his own shit .
4 ‘ It 's you , ’ he greeted me without delight and as though he had been expecting someone else .
5 When he woke , sweating and exhausted , with his heart thudding as though he had been running , it was properly morning .
6 MacQuillan was out of breath , as though he had been hurrying .
7 He made himself wake finally and lay under the covers feeling weak and hot , as though he had been spending energy incessantly all night .
8 He sighed tiredly , as though he had been working for a full day with stone and timber , and tried to listen to James Menzies , who was well away , drinking whisky with Allan and simmering with the news from the west , where the lists had been torn down from the church doors at Fortingall and Kenmore , and from Blair Atholl : the Duke 's factor had had to meet a crowd of more than a thousand and the Duke had signed a paper swearing not to impose the Act .
9 He looks wonderful ; prison has fattened him and his cheeks are pink and shiny , as though he has been working out of doors .
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