Example sentences of "as [pron] [verb] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead the Army welcomes the differences among the British , as long as everyone acknowledges a fundamental allegiance to Queen and country .
2 Attitude Not easily measurable but has clearly improved as everyone sees a definite objective and a defined route to achieving it .
3 Some riders will only buy thoroughbred horses , but I do prefer ones with a little ‘ common ’ blood , as I like a stronger build of horse .
4 Some riders will only buy thoroughbred horses , but I do prefer ones with a little ‘ common ’ blood , as I like a stronger build of horse .
5 By now I had almost convinced Rick to change to the boilie when I had another take on the Tropicana ; this was all the convincing he needed as I landed a nice mirror around the 12lb mark .
6 ‘ Good gracious , that was close ’ I said , as I heard a God-Almighty thud .
7 I 'll , I can endorse that by saying that we should n't , as I noticed a certain offhandedness with him that I did n't like at all .
8 I came across the garden 's central pavilion quite by chance , stumbling on it as I followed a dried water-course .
9 We were to fly across , which suited me , as I had a morbid fear of being torpedoed at sea .
10 As long as I had a sympathetic host , of course .
11 I know , as I had a strict upbringing .
12 As I had a twelfth-hand Hillman Imp at the time I drove him down to his place in South London .
13 Now Lynne Taylor is Regional Executive for the Chest , Heart and Stroke Association , Lynne er is it , this is er as I said a new week , are , you hopeful that it 's , it 's working well ?
14 I 'm afraid I ca n't subscribe to the theory that man should always be ‘ bloody , bold and resolute ’ ; but rather , I confess , that it 's very comforting to lean on you sometimes … more especially as I 've a funny instinct that if I follow your ways I ca n't go wrong , whereas my own existence is apt to be hardening , as you can see that it must be .
15 The ground felt as I imagined a first world war battlefield might feel — all pits and trenches — but dry .
16 As I use a three-jaw chuck , if the number is not divisible by three , the assembled segments will be difficult to grip .
17 ‘ Do n't worry — any more intimate reminiscences escaped me , as I discovered a strong disinclination to hear the sordid details of your relationship . ’
18 Had we reduced the dividend , our share price would have fallen sharply but , as I write a few days after the Annual General Meeting , the share price is a robust 180p — 26 times our earnings per share .
19 Was he just a common cock-tease , I would wonder as I suggested a new word , broke an overlong line , or did he sometimes really desire a more intimate contact ?
20 The test-flight was postponed over and over again , as I hit a busy spell in work — and as usual the weather had its say in the proceedings .
21 But er we eventually beat it though and as I say a good colliery you could er you could beat 'em to it .
22 mimics them and that , oh I hate that , I hate that as I say a few times I thought to myself I do not like
23 In the square I hear the schoolchildren enthusiastically chant one to fifty as I start a late afternoon walk away from the Pachas into the suyo of trigo cebada .
24 I 've had a couple of letters asking me whether I ever managed to give up smoking as I promised a few months ago .
25 ‘ My father was a great reader , ’ I explained , as I have a million times .
26 He was quite capable of building a locomotive as I have a working steam model threshing engine , on about the same scale , that also came from the old office . ’
27 I found your motherboard upgrade article most interesting as I have been thinking of upgrading my XT , but I had not bargained for changing the keyboard as I have a 102 key board ( no XT/AT switch ) .
28 And much as I coveted a wonderful watercolour by Albert that I came across in an Alice Springs gallery for 4,000 dollars I was even more taken with the traditional native art , particularly since it seemed to offer useful hints about a problem I had of seeing the outback in ways other than through the window-on-the-world vision that developed in Renaissance Italy .
29 Much as I admire a great deal of Ken Worpole 's contributions to discussion on alternative methods of arts funding — his and Geoff Mulgan 's ‘ Saturday Night , Sunday Morning ’ was an invaluable piece of work — his thoughts ( almost gleeful I thought ) on the problems of civic buildings ( MT May ) were shot through with the baby-out-with-the-bathwater conclusions which seem to be endemic in much new times and new Left thinking on the arts generally .
30 DEEP in the frozen wastes of Canada I felt near to tears as I watched a fluffy baby seal gaze adoringly into its mother 's eyes .
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