Example sentences of "had [be] [verb] up in the " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the survey concluded that ‘ a very considerable qualitative and quantitative momentum ’ had been built up in the training of part-time teachers for general adult education in the local authority sector and that this was beginning to spill over into vocational teaching .
2 I told her that I had been involved in one of the IRA attacks when I had been blown up in the Brighton Bomb , and that I had friends and colleagues who had been badly hurt or killed .
3 Robert had been called up in the First Militia , as it was named , the beginning of National Service which was to continue until some years after the war ended .
4 The Duke turned abruptly back , intending to inform his lordship that he did not permit duelling among his officers , but Rossendale and Jane had been swallowed up in the crowd .
5 Alexander told her about the Venus of Arles , who had been dug up in the Roman circus there , classically graceful with both her arms , holding up the golden or marble apple .
6 The water had been picked up in the Humber estuary and used as ballast .
7 Standing there , surveying the hall , so pleasant now ( though she knew that really she ought to get carpet foam and do over the carpet which after all had been folded up in the dust of the skip ) , she saw that Philip had mended the little cupboard under the stairs that the policeman had kicked in .
8 By the middle of the eighteenth century alluvial workings had been opened up in the Ural mountains .
9 They had n't arrived yet , because they had been held up in the traffic , but they would be along in time for an early lunch .
10 The measure had been approved by the lower chamber on Dec. 1 , but had been held up in the upper house where the LDP lacked an overall majority .
11 But what it did do was provide a unique workshop of the ideas that had been bubbling up in the years since the cracking of the ice in 1956 , and in a context which leapt over the boundaries of ‘ official ’ politics , whether mainstream , Marxist , anarchist , reformist , or Maoist .
12 They had been set up in the Heumensoord Camp for several days , but today an air of excitement pervaded the squadron .
13 A Christmas tree had been set up in the corridor with fairy lights that winked on and off .
14 LGCM had been set up in the 1970s ; it rented a room in St Botolph 's , Aldgate , a church well-known for work with single homeless people in London .
15 The United Unionist Action Council , which had been set up in the early summer of 1976 , had a slow and troubled start .
16 On 11 September the German Standortkommandantur , which had been set up in the Piazza Garibaldi to administer the city of Parma , issued a series of orders , one of which stated that it was forbidden for civilians to have guns and that looting would be punishable by death .
17 She agreed to come and I took her first to the more brilliantly decorated one , not knowing that she was not only a very religious woman but also a girl who had been brought up in the strictest kind of convent — no heating , nothing for show .
18 She had been brought up in the most isolated of spots — although , perhaps , because of its very isolation and Granny Tremayne 's aloofness , she had simply known about , but not exactly experienced , communal village life .
19 She had been brought up in the sophistication of inner Moscow , and she had travelled to European Germany .
20 At the other extreme was a Filipino who had been brought up in the slums of Manila , his father an alcoholic drug dealer and his mother a whore .
21 Yet we also have the example of Robert Ferguson , the Whig plotter who had been mixed up in the Rye House intrigues and Monmouth 's Rebellion .
22 During his last year in Fontanellato Don Cattahianchi had been woken up in the night on a number of occasions and beaten by the secret police .
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