Example sentences of "had [adv] [been] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had consulted an astrologer once before , even if it had only been for a lark , so why not consult another one now ?
2 Following my economically truthful pronouncements on the local meteorological trends ( I had already been for a pee ) , he reluctantly committed himself to an extended struggle with frozen boots and gaiters , muttering foul oaths about his much vaunted , but now soaked , pair of newly customised salopettes .
3 She would have recovered some of her old high spirits if it had not been for a bout of measles and turning more and more to alcohol .
4 If it had not been for a visitor arriving then and her being obliged to leave instantly she had no doubt they would have waded into deeper waters and she knew she would not have been sorry .
5 If it had not been for an alliance of Dr Newman , consultant ecologist Doug Cross and Walter Roberts — three local residents who formed the Camelford Scientific Advisory Panel and conducted their own investigations — and for John Lewis , who lost his job , it is doubtful whether very much would ever have come out about the incident .
6 Price Waterhouse 's UK practice would have experienced a negative growth rate in fee income in the year to June 1992 , if it had not been for the firm 's corporate recovery arm .
7 Stan might truly have forgotten if it had not been for the crash of the falling chair .
8 If it had not been for the shamelessness of it , Wilson felt she might have been sorely tempted to exploit this extraordinary advantage .
9 If it had not been for the circumstance of his being away , I should not be here now . ’
10 In one case , it was said that ‘ it was the 15-year-old girl who was the dominant partner in the relationship ’ with a 28-year-old woman separated from her husband , while in the other case ‘ a pretty 15-year-old schoolgirl skipped lessons to have a lesbian love affair ’ ; however the defence counsel said that her mother had told police she thought there was nothing wrong with a lesbian relationship and ‘ if it had not been for the age of the young lady , none of us would be here today ’ .
11 Yet even though he got the chance to fight Mr Bush , he would not now be heading for the White House if it had not been for the disaster which hit the President a few days after that TV interview .
12 It would not have been terrible — only like Frank — if it had not been for the pain of stones , metal , pressed into soft skin .
13 In 1959 Rank claimed that ‘ Britain would now have a healthy industry and a very successful market ’ if it had not been for the insensitivity of the Department of Trade .
14 Seen from below , Lacuna 's long body would have looked comical as she ran back and forth , if it had not been for the grimace of rage that contorted her white face .
15 She said she had n't been for a while and erm then she said they did n't really know , they wondered how she was gon na get on in the water .
16 The Flying Scot would probably have made the move before now — if it had n't been for a pact Laughton made when he left Widnes sixteen months ago .
17 Fortune having smiled on them , and I mean if it had n't been for a lump of expanded foam out of one of the life boats that had blown up at , if it had n't come floating past me , I mean I would have been a goner as well , but I got hold of that .
18 This month David Savage discusses the importance of mistakes within the workshop , and looks at a finish he would otherwise not now use if it had n't been for a disaster
19 If it had n't been for the help from her children she could n't have managed it .
20 ‘ Of course , he 'd never have made it if it had n't been for the skill of our local doctor ’
21 It had been skinned , neatly eviscerated , and would have looked like any carcase in a butcher 's shop if it had n't been for the head .
22 Despite his personal trauma , his professionalism would never have been in question — if it had n't been for the drink and drugs .
23 If it had n't been for the Yeti , I 'd never have met Malcolm McLaren or Johnie Rotten .
24 If it had n't been for the case , I think perhaps … ’
25 None of it would have happened if it had n't been for the dog .
26 Behind his scowling manner was a kindly old man and if it had n't been for the arrival of a rather insipid little boy , she might never have known , nor might anyone else for that matter .
27 If it had n't been for the war , they 'd have retired him , but it was like everything else these days , all hands to the pumps .
28 ‘ You 'd never have known , if it had n't been for the tissue-typing , ’ Celia pointed out .
29 He spoke honestly , but more harshly than he would have done if it had n't been for the pain he carried .
30 If it had n't been for the proximity of the tall dour houses and the unexpected kindness of a young girl , Craig would have been recaptured at once .
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