Example sentences of "had [adv] [been] [verb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 The panic buying forced the Moscow city council on May 28 to announce a temporary ban on the sale of food and consumer goods in city shops to anyone unable to produce a Moscow residence permit ( such restrictions had already been operating for many weeks in Leningrad and a number of other cities ) .
2 By the time that came along I had already been playing for some time .
3 Rumours had already been circulating for some time in the movie world that Madonna , whose big new movie will be Body Of Evidence , was discussing a new film with Sr Almodovar .
4 Altogether she followed up 345 white American children who had been referred to the child guidance clinic for anti-social behaviour , 130 other referrals and 100 individuals who had attended neighbouring elementary schools who had not been referred for any specialist help , and who therefore provided a comparison group .
5 Restlessly , she returned to the office , then recalled that the answering machine had not been checked for several hours .
6 Up-to-date valuations of such properties had not been undertaken for many years previously , partly because of business people 's complaints that any revaluations of commercial properties could inevitably lead to an increase in their total tax bill .
7 And he had not been seen for some days .
8 The effect of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act and the Economic Recovery Tax Act was to move the United States in new directions in economic policy ; fundamental change of a sort that had not been seen for half a century .
9 The Pensions Act which became law in August 1908 granted a pension of between 1s. and 5s. per week to those over the age of seventy with incomes of between £21 and £31 10s. p.a. , provided that they had not been imprisoned for any offence , including drunkenness , during the ten years preceding their claim , were not aliens or wives of aliens , and could satisfy the pension authority that they had not been guilty of ‘ habitual failure to work according to his ability , opportunity or need , for his own maintenance and that of his legal relatives ’ .
10 It was owned by the Baron de Rochefort and his family , and visitors had not been encouraged for some time , as the Baron did not enjoy the best of health .
11 We had not been going for more than half an hour when the driver of the sick man 's bullock cart came to me and said that all was now well , we need go no further .
12 On the Moscow Petrograd line workers reported in the middle of February that they had not been paid for all January ; in the Caucasus the backlog in August stretched back to October 1921 .
13 The room had not been booked for this .
14 And because Barlaston had ceased to function as a house in the 1930s , and had not been modernized for many years before that , it was in a remarkably unaltered state and thus an important archaeological document .
15 At what I called the Winter Marsh inlet , though it was not called anything on the map , there was a wooden quay in what struck me as remarkably good condition for a structure that presumably had not been used for several years .
16 Although fitted with an alarm courtesy of the Venice in Peril Fund , this had not been working for some time .
17 But although it had now been raining for several hours , there was not the least damp or cold either in the deep runs or in the many burrows that they passed .
18 The card had really been intended for those regularly bought by a mad old lady to be laid beside the bust of Karl Marx in his local cemetery .
19 Alison was n't keen to take hers , but I managed to persuade her , pointing out that since I had n't been asked for any more money these were almost certainly aspirins .
20 On being asked about the condition of the front door and windows , he admitted they had n't been painted for many years and that the door had more or less reached the end of its life , and showed it .
21 After a while the station returned to normal , Charlotte had n't been seen for some time , and Albert had been killed in World War I so all three participants in the awful tragedy had gone for ever , or had they ?
22 Nigel had been very healthy all his life and , apart from a slipped disc and the odd bout of ‘ flu , had never been incapacitated for more than a day or so .
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