Example sentences of "had [adv] [adv] [vb pp] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She must be dreaming , but surely she had only just gone to sleep .
2 We had only really talked to Mr Postman on the regular occasions — Dusshera , Diwali , Christmas , New Year — that he came looking for tips , but were flattered by the invitation and out of curiosity decided to take it up .
3 Burleigh itself had been founded — no , started — between the wars , had survived the Depression ( as the South of England middle classes in general had so signally managed to coast blithely through the Depression ) and had offered over the years an alternative to the Grammar , Secondary Modern and Technical Schools of the town of Cullbridge .
4 And the paragraph , composed after he had gone limp , would surely demonstrate to any reader that he , the writer , was temperamentally incapable of doing all the things he had so unwisely confessed to Robert .
5 After the plans had been shelved , the whole place had been leased out to various small-time manufacturers and warehousemen ; the broken-down sheds and godowns must still be the property of somebody , so too must be the piles of crates whose stencilled lettering had long since faded to pallor .
6 His wife and daughters had long since gone to bed .
7 The Airds had long since gone to bed .
8 No. 9 had long since gone to bed , so I crept up the stairs as quietly as I could .
9 His former general , Lord George Murray , after a final reproachful letter to the Prince , had long since fled to Holland to end his days in exile , and most of Charles 's other leading supporters had by now either escaped abroad or been rounded up .
10 But as he tried to think of his work ( Charles had long since ceased to grace it with the name of ‘ his career ’ ) , his thoughts kept returning to the Steen situation .
11 It had not previously occurred to Camille that he might .
12 If under the contract between A and B property had not yet passed to B ( see Chapter 3 ) , then A was still the owner when he sold to C. Still being the owner , A could pass that ownership to C. One has to examine the two contracts , B's and C's , and find out under which of them property was to pass first .
13 Martha , her youngest , was being courted by Sam Baldwin , the youngest son of the family at Cauldron Mill ; although the lad had not yet spoken to Jonadab , Annie knew it would not be long before he asked for their daughter as his bride .
14 Tiredness , the excitement of the journey and of sitting , so late , at a pavement café such as I had seen only in films ( these agreeable continental institutions had not yet spread to London , far less pre-Festival Edinburgh ) , as well as the unaccustomed intake of alcohol , all made my head reel .
15 The party had not yet come to terms with the departure of Mrs Thatcher and was suffering an identity crisis .
16 It was unlikely that anything he might discover had not already come to light .
17 Come the following night , I was sitting at home with Caroline ( Nigel 's daughter by his first marriage , the wife of the ‘ moving ’ John , who had not long returned to Denmark ) .
18 I had not long returned to England after a visit to my old mission of Cameroon on the West coast of Africa .
19 I had not only come to faith .
20 Simon had hardly ever spoken to Marie about his family .
21 On this occasion he effectively vetoed the possibility that Hoare might become Viceroy , on the ground that no Secretary of State for India had ever previously gone to Calcutta or Delhi .
22 He must have written it as soon as Barbara had telephoned the news and had sent it round by one of his nurses who , in a hurry to get home after night duty , had n't even stopped to hand it in but had slipped it through the letter box .
23 He 'd said too much — and I had n't even begun to cotton on .
24 In the early days I had been a bit disappointed that the NUJ had n't immediately leapt to John 's defence , but ever since I had first been to see the General Secretary , Harry Conroy , and his assistant , Tom Nash , the union had done what it could to respond to what was asked of them .
25 In her heart of hearts Celia knew that she had n't really come to terms with her condition at all , but she could n't say so point-blank to Alison .
26 Since , as will be seen , Molla Fenari had almost certainly gone to Egypt for further study by that date , it follows that if Husameddin is right , it must have been in Amasya that Molla Fenari studied under Cemaleddin Aksarayi .
27 Andrew 's opinion of the new help was that she looked well fed , but he had then further remarked to Peggy that he hoped , now that she had help , he would benefit for , being less employed , she would be less tired .
28 The latter claimed that the car was still theirs since X had never paid and property had therefore never passed to X. It was held , however , that Mr. Carter had obtained good title under section 25 .
29 " Well , I 'm not quite sure that she might n't burst into tears , or perhaps suddenly take all her clothes off " This had actually once happened to Richard at Nestor and Sage , the investment counsellors where he worked .
30 Denis , in his nine years in the United States had never really taken to baseball .
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