Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At one time he tried to assemble his thoughts in some way ; would it be better to go back to a law-office stool , with prospects of promotion , such as he had thankfully left to go to Glasgow , to Oxford , then to London ?
2 On that first day I had little thought to spare for Parma itself , but gradually I came to realize how fortunate I was to go to school in a city that was both beautiful and intensely interesting .
3 It had all begun to unravel with Sir Keith Joseph 's Damascus Road conversion in September 1974 , announced during his seminal speech in Preston .
4 Others , such as Eric Bremner , a 28-year-old physics teacher , had only decided to apply for water shares on the spur of the moment .
5 Mr Larkin says his suffering is worse for knowing that Gary had only agreed to go to Chorley at the last minute after two people , a man and a woman , had spoken separately to him on the phone .
6 The hearing admitted he had only agreed to appear in court if his wife and children were flown back to Britain with him at the cost of £4,000 .
7 Alan had obviously expected to return to university alone , once the fuss was over .
8 She herself had long ceased to believe in Father Christmas and fairy-tales .
9 But a wind of change had already begun to blow at Newport Pagnell .
10 Axelrod had already begun to think in ESS terms , but I felt that this tendency was so important that I wrote to him suggesting that he should get in touch with W. D. Hamilton , who was then , though Axelrod did n't know it , in a different department of the same university , the University of Michigan .
11 Yanto had already begun to laugh at Sooty 's serious face .
12 From that school of mingled games , friendliness and lessons I went with but a short pause to one where lessons were business , and a very serious business indeed since most of the scholars had already begun to work in offices and came here in the evenings to qualify themselves to earn more money and more leisure .
13 Liz 's education was to take more than three years : she had already decided to specialize in psychiatry , and knew she still had a long journey ahead of her .
14 The girls had already gone to stay with friends , who have a youngster the same age . ’
15 If time permitted , separate releases might also be written on the firms which had already agreed to go to Tadchester .
16 Despite her parents ' invitation to Harry to stay with them in London while he was back in England , he 'd written to say that he had already promised to go to Bertie Alcott 's home in Cadogan Square .
17 On the other hand , the fact that some patients had already failed to respond to tricyclics before entering the trial might have introduced a bias against this class of drugs .
18 William was excommunicated in 1619 and Jacob in 1634 , although he had already refused to kneel at communion in 1627 .
19 A few crew and individuals had already refused to go to war .
20 They had already started to look at houses — not any close inspection , just murmured approval as they had been driving , Glyn 's comments warming her .
21 She had not wanted to talk to Finn but she could not help it when he came and sat on the counter .
22 She had not wanted to speak to Brian , but she had to speak to somebody , and she knew Scarlet would understand .
23 With the proliferation of puritan sects during the 1640s and 1650s , there was so great a range of extreme demands , from the nationalization of land to the emancipation of women , that it would be surprising if the natural philosophers had not begun to appear as moderates .
24 Out of one hundred and twenty-two horses , only three had not learned to ask for food within seven days .
25 But she had not come to quarrel with Hester , she had come to see Willie .
26 He had not expected to run across Tubby Walters again , not within only two years of their end-of-war farewells in London , and certainly not in Ireland .
27 After two weeks with no sign of improvement , a friend told me of an excellent new rheumatologist who had just come to work in Chester .
28 In fact it works so well that within a few days of installing it friends were asking if they could fax me printed documents that they had always wanted to store on disk .
29 Another had always wanted to work in landscape gardening , not manufacturing .
30 Alyssia wondered how she had ever managed to come to places such as this and accept it as part of everyday life .
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