Example sentences of "had [verb] me [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I fell down in a kind of madness , and they had to carry me from the room .
2 Anyway today we had the scene where Matt had to hit me with the paddle sort of semi-accidentally .
3 The newcomer listened in his turn to the description Mrs Zamzam had given me of the events that led her to run away from Um Al-Farajh , occasionally nodding agreement or interrupting to correct her account .
4 I turned to find that a girl had joined me at the bar .
5 For half a second you might have thought his fist had smashed me across the room , except that I follow through my dive into a roll and end up squatting on the floor , eight feet away , with the pistol pointing straight at his guts .
6 I felt proud that Mr Rochester had trusted me with the story of his past life .
7 The same morning Mrs Singh had approached me in the school foyer , handed me a bag full of letters , and burst into tears .
8 If a pollster had approached me in the run-up to the election , I would have said I was voting Lib-Dem , because I had a sincere intention of doing so .
9 The veiled women had reminded me of the nuns .
10 Nothing in my upbringing had prepared me for the weather , much less the absurd notion of hitchhiking .
11 She had brought her son over from South Africa and while staying in Bristol had seen me on the television screen .
12 But once Gyggle had positioned me in the tank — which crouched there like a miniature submarine , or a twenty-first-century washing machine — and swung shut the rubber-flanged door , I found it impossible to lose — and therefore as he hoped , reencounter — my self .
13 I had expected , perhaps because the image she had presented me with the week before had been more domestic , someone less ambiguous and far less assured .
14 Something Neil had told me about the island .
15 This came as something of a surprise , for nothing Victor Saunders had told me about the Priut refuge quite prepared me for my first sight of this three-storey silver sausage — an amazing futuristic construction with a dining room that looks out on a wonderland of peaks , and with some four-bedded dormitories which , if you 're lucky enough to be allocated one , ensures a degree of comfort far different from alpine-style overcrowding .
16 Only the sound of the engine , and my eyes shifting from the mist and the road to take covert glances at his face ; I knew no more about him now than when I first met him , except what he had told me on the flight down from Mexico .
17 Whatever musings had abstracted me from the charms of the city fled before the lucidity of that long-drawn-out instant of disaster .
18 I told him he could have some of the pills Richard had got me from the chemist yesterday .
19 They had to help me into the house and let me rest in a chair .
20 The policeman who had kicked me in the groin began to slap Russell around the head .
21 I know my father would raise a terrific stink if I told him the Headmistress had grabbed me by the hair and slung me over the playground fence . ’
22 A member of the Club Animacion Team had volunteered me for the lilo race across the pool — the first prize a free drink — who could resist !
23 They were the same officers that had arrested me for the charge I was on .
24 He had dumped me on the surface just as he had found me .
25 She got me she had to kiss me on the arse she fucking she had to be there thirty seconds to get the points and I farted at about ten seconds
26 As with so many worldly matters , it was Lawrence who had introduced me to the gravel and grain method of 241 humane culling , but only the theory of it ; I 'd never yet tried it in the field .
27 If I had ever thought of the possibility of being taken prisoner while I was in England , I should have expected all Germans to be like the officer who had tried to interrogate me at the aerodrome or the two soldiers who had brought me from the aerodrome to Amsterdam .
28 The vicar had asked me in the war to do this and erm I was secretary of that and I used to say er , you know you could only do so much because we was n't like housewives today .
29 The ball had hit me in the leg .
30 It felt like an elephant had hit me in the guts .
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