Example sentences of "had [verb] its [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is submitted that it would be ill-advised to treat such statements made in one House after the Bill had completed its passage in the other House as an expression of the intention of , in the words of Lord Browne-Wilkinson , ‘ Parliament as a whole ’ .
2 It was reported on Sept. 3 that the AAIB had completed its investigation into the crash of a British Midland Boeing 737 near Kegworth in Leicestershire in December 1988 in which 47 people were killed [ see p. 36410 ] .
3 Mr Salmond emphasised that the only correspondence surrounding the deal had already been published and rejected claims that his party had broken its side of the deal .
4 ( A Referendum Law had been passed on July 18 — see p. 38351 — but on Oct. 8 the Assembly had delayed its discussion of the issue . )
5 The record of this parliament is incomplete , but the recollection of contemporaries seems unequivocal , and in later , more difficult , circumstances parliament was to be reminded more than once that it had given its assent to the war .
6 Once parliament had given its assent to the war and Edward 's prospective companions in arms had been singled out for honours , Edward set about mobilizing the financial support he needed .
7 In that context , Franco was the unifying common denominator , in that he was the only person acceptable to all the shades of political opinion present on the Committee , to the external powers whose political and material support were vital to the Nationalists , and to the Catholic Church , which had given its blessing to the rising as the defence of Christianity against communism .
8 This was the journal Jewry Ueber Alles which had just been published in February 1920 , and had altered its name to The Hidden Hand in September 1920 and to the British Guardian in May 1924 .
9 The firm of sheriff officers , Love & Co , said it had cancelled its visit to the home of Jim Smeddon at Bonnyrigg on the advice of the police .
10 The Malthusian League had addressed its message to the working class , emphasising birth control as the only remedy for poverty , and had met with understandable hostility from leading ( male ) socialists .
11 The Party had modified its opposition to the Government 's rearmament programme and the Left felt that this had inhibited the campaign against Chamberlain .
12 I felt a lump in my throat as I looked down at the first grave , the Balmoral on the cross was torn at the front as if a piece of shrapnel had smashed its way through the badge and into the soldier 's head .
13 How to achieve a political settlement without antagonizing an army which had committed its honour to the goal of total , unconditional victory ?
14 The government had to increase its grant to the Arts Council in order to replace at least part of the subsidies these county authorities had paid to support cultural activities .
15 The sergeant bumped over the sleeping-policemen and gazed at the neatly trimmed lawns and hedges with aggrieved jealousy in his eyes : the private estate was a symbol of a world from which he was excluded , a world of privilege and snobbery , a world that had turned its back on the poor , the sick and the unfashionable who had been swarming round their car only ten minutes before .
16 Once the general subcommittee had done its survey of the system , it turned to inform Parliament of the issues embodied ( or concealed ) in the annual expenditure White Paper , the first of these reports being the Fifth Report of the 1972–3 session .
17 Before I began the formal research I had been aware from the few parents of children with trisomy 21 I knew that there was more disquiet about their negotiations with professionals and the treatment of their children than had made its way into the academic and professional literature on parents and families .
18 Though the single-break flat-lidded coffin had made its entrance in the last quarter of the sixteenth century — the lead shell of Lady Elizabeth Howard ( d.1591 ) with appliqué lettering at Withyham , Sussex , is of this type , as is the pictorial representation of Sir Henry Unton 's 1596 coffin in the Unton portrait at the National Portrait Gallery , as well as a small sculptural representation of a coffin on the 1615 mural monument to Susan Kinges at Morston , Norfolk — the single-break gable-lidded shell seems to have been more popular .
19 It was n't until much later that Sidney E. Berger , curator of manuscripts at the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester , Massachusetts , explained to me that the word had made its début in the Tarzan movies .
20 Mr McLevy said that the company had moved its position over the lay-offs and had agreed to the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service 's being called in if negotiations could not be satisfactorily concluded .
21 Professor Harvey , who predicted the introduction of milk quotas 10 years ago , said the industry had buried its head in the sand at that time .
22 The Newton Hotel is quite easily found , and from Thomson 's book I had anticipated its view of the sea , if not quite the shaggy russet Highland cattle grazing in front of the Victorian house .
23 The building of the Henry Ford factory on the Marina had been started a few years before ; and Denis , whose regular walks to Blackrock — solitary now that his father was no longer there to accompany him took him past the site , had watched its growth from the first brick .
24 In its role as the chief purveyor of propaganda and agitation , the press had shifted its accent at the start of NEP .
25 By the end of The Order of Things , however , he revises this somewhat conventional thesis to suggest that what was involved was not so much a move from a static to a historical view of things as the break-up of a common , unified historical time-scheme in which every phenomenon had had its place in the same space and chronology .
26 It had got its name from the bales of jute which were once landed at its high wharves .
27 In every way , then , the party organization emerged from the war years in reasonably good shape ; it had played its part in the war and its local and national structures were attenuated but intact ( a major and significant contrast with the effect of war on the Liberals ) .
28 In 1799 parliament had pronounced its opinion on the illegality of trade unionism and this was part of an atmosphere in which courts were expected to find against it .
29 Long before Innocent III it had asserted its primacy over the patriarchates of Constantinople , Alexandria , Antioch and Jerusalem .
30 When it issued its first interim report in the autumn of 1955 , it was clear that it had narrowed its focus to the two core projects raised before Messina , the Netherlands proposal for a common market and Monnet 's ideas for a nuclear energy community .
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