Example sentences of "had [verb] for [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I had to wait for a considerable time for the expanse of blue sky above my chosen scene ( figure XX ) to be substantial enough for photography .
2 And I realised , well I had realised for a long time that dieting was n't the answer for me .
3 Further , on appointment he had realised for the first time that the eastern parts of the District remained largely undeveloped by the WEA .
4 Bush droned on about good and evil , right and wrong , Hitler , Munich , appeasement , using all the same phrases that most of us thought we had heard for the last time , after the revolutions of 1989 .
5 Then he had gone , and the Curator had stared for a long time after him , and then at the golden eagle who stared blankly back at him .
6 The low fertility families in social class III had courted for a long time , decided carefully about marriage , moved house seldom , and tended to be upwardly mobile in their jobs .
7 He raised the mug to his lips and sipped the hot sugary tea , remembering the day when he had sat for the first time in Mr Corcoran 's office .
8 On the face of it , the shooting looked like another bloody event in Irish history , but perhaps it was its timing — on the same day that the government had sat for the first time — that intrigued him , or perhaps it was Joe 's words : that his father and the men like him had died for Ireland were being betrayed .
9 Everyone had come for a good time , and they did not want it spoiling by some wildmen .
10 The dangerous logic of events was leading to a predictable conclusion , though Sarah and Coleridge had met for the first time only nine days before and were of fundamentally different temperaments , she sharp-tongued , humorous and practical , he procrastinating and visionary .
11 An enormous boxer hurled himself on me in delight , clawing at my chest with the biggest , horniest feet I had seen for a long time .
12 At first he felt more relaxed than he had done for a long time .
13 Among the most dangerous was the Chaplain of the Repubblichini , a Catholic priest whom everybody had suspected for a long time .
14 After all , she had suspected for a long time now that he was aware of the effect he sometimes had on her .
15 Scientists on both sides of the Atlantic have said that the so-called ‘ Concorde ’ trial confirms what many had felt for a long time , namely that AZT taken on its own is likely to be limited in delaying the onset of AIDS .
16 That evening , as her mother had stood at the kitchen door with the shadow of future old age lurking behind her , she had felt for the first time what it was to be a grown-up , what it was that she was missing in the never-never land of Fenna 's spell .
17 I had felt for the first time a gnawing loneliness , finding echoes of familiar landscapes in the sweep of a glen , the gentle bend of a river .
18 Balcon was the sort of producer the British film industry had needed for a long time .
19 During a visit to China in early May , the Vietnamese First Deputy Foreign Minister , Dinh Nho Liem , had agreed for the first time to discuss the " internal " aspects of the Cambodian problem with Chinese officials .
20 But Greenpeace noted that the British government 's willingness to sign the convention as it stood was a fundamental shift in policy in that it had agreed for the first time to the elimination in principle of dangerous chemicals .
21 In early September Collor had summoned for the first time the Council of the Republic , whose remit was to advise the President on action to be taken in a time of deep crisis or emergency , including the declaration of a state of siege if necessary .
22 He had driven to Roker in Sunderland and had walked for a long time on the beach , contemplating suicide , but had driven back to his son 's home .
23 Indeed , the Home Secretary , Mr Leon Brittan , took great pride in the fact that , unlike any of its predecessors , the Conservative Government had provided for the first time a clear and comprehensive statutory framework for the interception of communications .
24 More importantly still , it had provided for the first time an ‘ effective ’ means of redress for those wishing to complain that interception has been improperly authorized .
25 She had known for a long time now .
26 He had known for a long time , but had refused to admit it to himself .
27 at last the confirmation of something he had known for a long time .
28 From 1771 onwards a series of codes for different provinces , beginning with Silesia , had set for the first time clear official limits to what the lords could demand of their peasants , especially in terms of labour-services .
29 In most of the other colonies , Europeans had ruled for a long time .
30 The silver-framed photograph of Philippe Chaumont had appeared for the first time since he had known Chantal .
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