Example sentences of "had [verb] from [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Up in the short-term car-park at Terminal Two , Lewis had to drive from floor to floor before he found a slot in which to put the car .
2 The voice had veered from exasperation to incredulity .
3 Where at that date , any payment was accruing due , ie where payment in arrears was stipulated , the creditor may prove for the amount which would have fallen due if the debt had accrued from day to day ( r 6.112(2) ) .
4 Between these , gold-dark , dark-gold and violent pink , lay Lady Rose Martindale , solid but not fat or for in less , indeed very woman-shaped , in pink-and-brown striped silk bathing suit , with gold hair spattered softly over the brown flesh of her shoulders and whitish sand speckled on the gleam of her thighs where she had rolled from side to side .
5 However , although the boundary existed , its position had varied from case to case .
6 At first their mother 's sister had come from time to time but she and Moran had quarrelled .
7 It had struggled from beginning to end , had depended entirely on charity throughout its four-year existence , and now the girls working there were being irresponsibly left destitute .
8 That meant that Macedon had to flirt from time to time with Sparta or whoever looked the strongest counterweight to Athens after Persia had recoiled from the Aegean in the mid-fifth century .
9 In the month since the decision had been taken that she would come to school here , her feelings had turned from foreboding to anticipation .
10 Bombed out of one small premises , Grandpa had moved from factory to factory , finally ending up in what was now Belmodes .
11 He tried to remember what the weather had been like in the last week and realized he had no idea ; like many city-dwellers he had moved from flat to car to office without registering any variation .
12 The rationale for care measures had shifted from control to prevention and re-socialization , hence the increasing reliance on pedagogy as a science and as a conceptual framework .
13 She had borrowed a small tape recorder from Jarvis and was going to record her own playing , a critical exercise that she had postponed from day to day .
14 I accepted plate and cup , thanked her , and wondered how on earth , into a conversation which had ranged from hydroponics to knitting to the situation in the smaller countries of the Warsaw Pact to the best breed of wool for spinning tweed to the honey and the siting of the hives — how on earth I could decently introduce my queries about Ewen Mackay .
15 Verse after verse had sprung from silence to run in fiery lines across the page .
16 Whoever looked out northward from the massive protective shell of Trazior might suspect that some giant world-spider , nourished on venom , had swung from hive to hive spinning ropes , and depositing multi-millions of hatchlings in each domain .
17 She had gone from happiness to misery and back again in what seemed no more than hours , and the speed of the changes had left her with a sense of unreality that she found impossible to shake off .
18 Erm the Financial Times you showed er I think including the F T Group and Les Echo er in , in the profit analysis , but you did say that their operating profit was up ten percent th the F T Group which I take it to mean they made fourteen point three , leaving I think four point two to Les Echo You did also say that Les Echo had gone from strength to strength but f from my figures I think it 's a third successive decline in their profit .
19 Bedpans had gone from earthenware to papier-mâché , bottles had progressed from glass to plastic , but there was the same kindly welcome , much the same decor except that the photo of George VI had been replaced by a poster on the etiquette of urinating .
20 The wren-boys who had gone from house to house on the lorry all day were now scrubbed and combed , playing away cheerfully on raised planks .
21 Bedpans had gone from earthenware to papier-mâché , bottles had progressed from glass to plastic , but there was the same kindly welcome , much the same decor except that the photo of George VI had been replaced by a poster on the etiquette of urinating .
22 After leaving school he had been unable to settle , had wandered from place to place and had eventually landed up in Borstal , where his crimes had given him a reputation for toughness and ruthlessness which he had felt compelled to live up to ( although at the same time hating it and himself ) .
23 Remember , all her life she had wandered from place to place , sleeping in a tent or under the stars .
24 But then Twiggy , who by now had switched from modelling to acting , came along and stole his heart .
25 On March 6 , in a GPC debate broadcast by Libyan television , Kadhafi heard from a delegate who claimed that Libya faced a great problem because of the large number of people who had switched from production to retailing , alleging that prices had risen four- or five-fold " and everyone is complaining " .
26 If in no other sense than economic , the world 's focus had switched from East to West , from Greenwich to the Date Line , from Atlantic to Pacific .
27 An upbeat message emerged from economist Mark Brown at stockbroker UBS Phillips & Drew who said his firm had switched from seller to buyer of domestic equities at these levels .
28 The Marquess of Salisbury had become Prime Minister in 1895 , and in 1889 his government introduced death duties which were to lead to the gradual breaking up of the wealthy estates , which previously had passed from father to son — or some other relative — without any loss .
29 As she rose , her eyes , which had flicked from side to side , looked him in the face for the first time .
30 For a lord 's status was directly related to the size of following he could support , and the larger his entourage the more frequently he had to move from estate to estate to feed them .
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