Example sentences of "had [verb] her [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She glanced in the mirror and declared I had wrecked her eyes for the rest of the day .
2 He had heard her cries in the night .
3 She had stopped her tears with the heel of her hand , and face-paint smeared it .
4 ‘ Araminta wanted me to clear up first , ’ Theda answered , trying to still the flutter that had attacked her pulses at the touch of his hand on her arm .
5 Sylvia had enjoyed her months in the States , but was glad to be going home .
6 Running downstairs we found that my eldest sister , Gertrude , who had been helping Mum , had caught her fingers in the rollers .
7 After Becky had bade her farewells to the rest of the party , Guy drove her back to Chelsea and having said , ‘ Goodnight , Miss Salmon , ’ shook her by the hand .
8 She had regained her senses by the time she made her way back with his drink .
9 Orchis is Greek for testicle , which is what the roots look like , and Lydia had told the company so , because Mrs Molesworth , gazing fondly and favourably on her husband , had divulged that he had bought her orchids on the recent occasion of their wedding anniversary .
10 Still , he 's a married man , and his wife is in her seventh month , from what I hear : that 's why she had to send her apologies at the last moment …
11 She had spent her lunch-hours of the two previous days in talking to letting agents .
12 And all this while , from behind her mourning veil , she had fixed her eyes on the inner door , and watched for revelations from within .
13 She had left her dogs in the car at the gate .
14 She well , she had to have her tiles on the floor of hers .
15 Bursting into her life with a devastating charm , he had undermined her defences with skill , until she had faced him as defenceless as a de-shelled crab , and he had destroyed her illusions with the cruel indifference of a natural predator .
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